Drupal Skeleton

This is a template for Drupal 8 projects using the composer create-project command.

Starting a project

  1. Use composer to create a new project based on this skeleton:
composer create-project palantirnet/drupal-skeleton PROJECTNAME dev-drupal8 --no-interaction
  1. Go into the project:
  1. Update the README:
  • Remove the README.md
  • Rename the README.dist.md to README.md
  • Edit as you like
  1. Update the composer.json:
  • Change the name from palantirnet/drupal-skeleton to palantirnet/PROJECTNAME

  • Update the description with a brief description of your project.

  • Update the lock file so composer doesn't complain:

    composer update --lock
  1. Add our Vagrant development environment:
  1. Add our build scripts:
  1. Initialize git and commit your work to the develop branch:
git init
git checkout -b develop
git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit."
git add --all
git commit -m "Add the skeleton."
  1. Push your work up to an empty repository on GitHub
git remote add origin git@github.com:palantirnet/PROJECTNAME.git
git push -u origin develop

Now you should be ready to follow the instructions in YOUR README.md to start up the project. You'll probably want to do the initial Drupal installation at this point to generate a set of Drupal config files.

  1. Start up your Vagrant VM:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
  1. Install Drupal:
vendor/bin/phing build install
  1. Log into Drupal in your browser and do some basic config customizations:
  • Set the site timezone
  • Disable per-user timezones
  • Disable user account creation
  • Remove unnecessary content types
  • Set the admin email address (your VM will trap all emails)
  • Turn the Cron interval down to "never"
  • Uninstall unnecessary modules (e.g. Search, History, Comment)
  1. Export your config:
drush cex -y
  1. Update the install profile in your default build properties (conf/build.default.properties):
  1. You should have a ton of new *.yml files in conf/drupal/config. Add them, and this config change, to git:
git add conf/
git ci -m "Initial Drupal configuration."
git push
  1. Reinstall your site and verify that your config is ready to go:
vendor/bin/phing build install

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