
Mobile development Bluetooth low energy (iOS)

Primary LanguageSwift


Version Build Status


Framework for communicating with the SecureAccess BLE hardware.



Copyright © 2018 Huf Secure Mobile GmbH. All rights reserved.


3rd party frameworks

Build instructions


SecureAccessBLE is available through the private pod spec repo of Huf Secure Mobile GmbH. To install it, simply add the following lines to your Podfile:

source 'https://github.com/hufsm/mobile-ios-podspecs.git'
pod 'SecureAccessBLE'

As a developer of the framework, you can install the bleeding edge version of a specific branch by adding the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SecureAccessBLE', :git => 'https://github.com/hufsm/mobile-ios-ble.git', :branch => 'develop'


pod 'SecureAccessBLE', :git => 'https://github.com/hufsm/mobile-ios-ble.git', :commit => 'xxxxxx'

Development and Testing

Follow these steps in order to start developing and testing the framework:

  • Clone the repository
  • Run bundle install from the root of the repository to install the required gem versions
  • Run pod install from the Example subdirectory to install the pods

To publish a new version of the framework you need to:

  • (Once only) Add the private podspec repo to your local machine by running pod repo add hsm-specs https://github.com/hufsm/mobile-ios-podspecs.git
  • Add a proper version git tag for the new release and update the version in the podspec file accordingly
  • Push the new version to the private podspec repository by running pod repo push hsm-specs SecureAccessBLE.podspec from the root of the repository


This project uses Jazzy to generate the documentation. To update the documentation you need to:

  • Run bundle install to install the jazzy gem
  • Run jazzy to generate the documentation