
Vagrant Plugin. Provisioner for filoo vcloud services

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This is a Vagrant 1.7x plugin. It adds an vagrant provider for filoo hosting to Vagrant, allowing Vagrant to control and provision machines within the filoo public and private cloud.



NOTE: This plugin requires Vagrant 1.7x


  • You find the most current version on the Release page along with a changelog
  • Grab the gem


  • set servername 4.1.16 vserver/setcustomname (API does not support it yet)
  • set initial root passwort of a machine for modification and delete actions to improve machine security


Install using standard Vagrant 1.1+ plugin installation methods. After installing, vagrant up, specify the filoo provider and import a dummy vagrant box:

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant_filoo
$ vagrant box add filoo https://github.com/hufsm/vagrant-filoo/raw/master/filoo.box
$ vagrant up --provider=filoo

After installing the plugin (instructions above), the quickest way to get started is to specify all the details manually within a config.vm.provider block of your Vagrantfile. You can either adapt the example to your needs or start from scratch by initiating a Vagrantfile

$ vagrant init --provider=filoo

It is good practice to access the filoo api key via system environment variable. To use environment variable FILOO_API_KEY add following line in the Vagrantfile or set the varaible in your OS: FILOO_API_KEY=

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.box = "filoo"

  config.vm.provider :filoo do |filoo|
    # to carry the API Key in the Vagrantfile  comment this out:
    #filoo.filoo_api_key = "Your Api key"
    filoo.filoo_api_key = ENV['FILOO_API_KEY']
    filoo.filoo_api_entry_point = "https://api.filoo.de/api/v1"
    filoo.cd_image_name = "Debian 8.0 - 64bit"
    filoo.type =  "dynamic"
    filoo.cpu = 4
    filoo.ram = 8192
    filoo.hdd = 10
    filoo.additional_nic = false #defaults to false. Reconfigure is not possible

###Availeable OS images

The example above installs a Debian Image. Please find below the currently availeable images you can use

  • Debian 6.0 - 64bit
  • Endian 2.5.1 Firewall
  • BalanceNG V3.3 Loadbalancer
  • Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS Server - 64bit
  • CentOS 6.3 - 64bit
  • Fedora 18 - 64bit
  • OpenSUSE 12.3 - 64bit
  • OpenSUSE 13.1 - 64bit
  • Fedora 20 - 64bit
  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server - 64bit
  • CentOS 7.0 - 64bit
  • Debian 7.7 - 64bit
  • Debian 7.7 - 64bit + Froxlor
  • Ubuntu 15.04 Server - 64bit
  • Debian 8.0 - 64bit
  • OwnCloud 8.1.2 - 64 bit

###Start the machine And finally run 'vagrant up --provider=filoo' within the folder where you have placed your Vagrantfile. It may take a while. Once the machine has started and your FILOO_API_KEY ist set aou can yiuse the basic vagrant tools to interact with your machine:

$ vagrant up --provider=filoo
$ vagrant ssh

Box Format

Every provider in Vagrant must introduce a custom box format. This provider introduces filoo boxes. You can view an example box in the [example_box/ directory](/example_box). That directory also contains instructions on how to build a box.

The box format is basically just the required metadata.json file along with a Vagrantfile that does default settings for the provider-specific configuration for this provider.


This provider exposes a few provider-specific configuration options:

  • filoo_api_key - The api key for accessing Filoo
  • cd_image_name - The Filoo image name to boot, such as "Debian 6.0 - 64bit"
  • filoo_api_entry_point - The base url to the api "https://api.filoo.de/api/v1"

These can be set like typical provider-specific configuration:


Networking features in the form of config.vm.network are not supported with vagrant-filoo, currently. If any of these are specified, Vagrant will emit a warning, but will otherwise boot the filoo machine.

Synced Folders

Shared folders are not supported at the current state.

Linux and Windows clients optionally can use sshfs to mount a folder on the network or to connect a network drive. While the Linux implementation via fuse is quite stable the windows variant is not. We have successfully tested under Windows 7. Under Windows the re-connect after a network cut-off sometimes fails.

General Information: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSHFS Windows build: https://code.google.com/p/win-sshfs/

See Vagrant Synced folders: rsync


The easiest way to setup the environment is to install ruby with the Rails Installer (http://railsinstaller.org). Also you have to install vagrant on your machine to develop the plugin

To work on the vagrant-filoo plugin, clone this repository out, and use Bundler to get the dependencies:

or run from your "command prompt with ruby and rails"

$ gem install bundler

in the project folder run from your "command prompt with ruby and rails"

$ bundle

If you get an ssl error follow instructions on https://gist.github.com/luislavena/f064211759ee0f806c88

Once you have the dependencies, verify the unit tests pass with rake:

$ bundle exec rake

If those pass, you're ready to start developing the plugin. You can test the plugin without installing it into your Vagrant environment by just creating a Vagrantfile in the top level of this directory (it is gitignored) and add the following line to your Vagrantfile

Vagrant.require_plugin "vagrant_filoo"

create a box

$ cd example_box
$ tar cvzf filoo.box ./metadata.json ./Vagrantfile
$ mv filoo.box ../filoo.box
$ cd ..

Use vagrant to add the box

$ vagrant box add filoo.box

Copy the example Vagrantfile

cp example_config/Vagrantfile_example Vagrantfile

Edit your filoo api key in Vagrantfile or access Api Key via Environment Variable

    filoo.filoo_api_key = "your filoo api access key"
    # or to use environment variable uncomment this
    #filoo.filoo_api_key = ENV['FILOO_API_KEY']

Use bundler to execute Vagrant:

$ bundle exec vagrant up --provider=filoo

Package and publish the plugin (see https://www.noppanit.com/create-simple-vagrant-plugin/)

$ rake build
$ gem push pkg/vagrant_filoo-0.0.1.gem