
Ansible Role for hardening Linux security

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role: Security


This is a fork from the Ansible role https://github.com/geerlingguy/ansible-role-security

Features added from the original role:

  • Install EPEL repo for RedHat based distributions
  • Add support for AmazonLinux 2
  • Add support for Ubuntu 20 LTS
  • Update / Upgrate security packages
  • SELinux Permissive mode

Features removed from the original role:

  • Automatic updates
  • Sudoers passworded users
  • Sudoers passwordless users
  • Remove Support for Fedora and Debian

Your servers' security is your responsibility.


For obvious reasons, sudo must be installed if you want to manage the sudoers file with this role.

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

security_ssh_port: 2222

The port through which you'd like SSH to be accessible.

security_ssh_password_authentication: "no"
security_ssh_permit_root_login: "no"
security_ssh_usedns: "no"
security_ssh_permit_empty_password: "no"
security_ssh_challenge_response_auth: "no"
security_ssh_gss_api_authentication: "no"
security_ssh_x11_forwarding: "no"

Security settings for SSH authentication. It's best to leave these set to "no", but there are times (especially during initial server configuration or when you don't have key-based authentication in place) when one or all may be safely set to 'yes'. NOTE: It is very important that you quote the 'yes' or 'no' values. Failure to do so may lock you out of your server.

security_sshd_state: started

The state of the SSH daemon. Typically this should remain started.

security_ssh_restart_handler_state: restarted

The state of the restart ssh handler. Typically this should remain restarted.

security_fail2ban_enabled: true

Whether to install/enable fail2ban. You might not want to use fail2ban if you're already using some other service for login and intrusion detection (e.g. ConfigServer).

security_fail2ban_custom_configuration_template: "jail.local.j2"

The name of the template file used to generate fail2ban's configuration.



Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
  become: true
    - vars/main.yml
    - libert_xyz.security

Inside vars/main.yml:

security_fail2ban_enabled: False



Author Information

The original role was created in 2014 by Jeff Geerling, author of Ansible for DevOps.

This role was updated by Libert Schmidt