
Official Ruby Gem for the SendGrid email Web API.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This Gem allows you to quickly and easily send emails through SendGrid's Web API using native Ruby.

You can read our official documentation on the Web API's Mail feature here.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sendgrid-ruby'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself using:

$ gem install sendgrid-ruby


Create a new client with your SendGrid Username and Password.

require 'sendgrid-ruby'

# As a hash
client = SendGrid::Client.new(api_user: 'SENDGRID_USERNAME', api_key: 'SENDGRID_PASSWORD')

# Or as a block
client = SendGrid::Client.new do |c|
  c.api_user = 'SENDGRID_USERNAME'
  c.api_key = 'SENDGRID_PASSWORD'

Create a new Mail object and send:

mail = SendGrid::Mail.new do |m|
  m.to = 'test@sendgrid.com'
  m.from = 'taco@cat.limo'
  m.subject = 'Hello world!'
  m.text = 'I heard you like pineapple.'

puts client.send(mail) 
# {"message":"success"}

You can also create a Mail object with a hash:

client.send(SendGrid::Mail.new(to: 'example@example.com', from: 'taco@cat.limo', subject: 'Hello world!', text: 'Hi there!', html: '<b>Hi there!</b>'))
# {"message":"success"}


Attachments can be added to a Mail object with the add_attachment method. The first parameter is the path to the file, the second (optional) parameter is the desired name of the file. If a file name is not provided, it will use the original filename.

mail.add_attachment('/tmp/report.pdf', 'july_report.pdf')

Available Params

params = {

Setting Params

Params can be set in the usual Ruby ways, including a block or a hash.

mail = SendGrid::Mail.new do |m|
  m.to = 'rbin@sendgrid.com'
  m.from = 'taco@rbin.codes'

client.send(SendGrid::Mail.new(to: 'rbin@sendgrid.com', from: 'taco@cat.limo'))


Using the :to param, we can pass a single email address as a string, or an array of email address strings.

mail = SendGrid::Mail.new
mail.to = 'taco@rbin.codes'
# or
mail.to = ['Example Dude <example@email.com>', 'john@email.com']
# or
mail.to = ['rbin@sendgrid.com', 'taco@cat.limo']


mail = SendGrid::Mail.new
mail.from = 'me@sendgrid.com'


As with :to, :cc can take a single string or an array of strings.

mail = SendGrid::Mail.new
mail.cc = ['robin@sendgrid.com', 'taco@cat.limo']


As with :to and :cc, :bcc can take a single string or an array of strings.

mail = SendGrid::Mail.new
mail.bcc = ['robin@sendgrid.com', 'taco@cat.limo']


mail = SendGrid::Mail.new
mail.subject = 'This is a subject string'

Email Bodies:


Using the :text param allows us to add plain text to our email body.

mail = SendGrid::Mail.new
mail.text = 'WHATTUP KITTY CAT!?'


Using the :html param allows us to add html content to our email body.

mail = SendGrid::Mail.new
mail.html = '<html><body>Stuff in here, yo!</body></html>'

Using SendGrid's X-SMTPAPI Header

To utilize the X-SMTPAPI header, we have directly integrated the SendGridJP/smtpapi-ruby gem.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/sendgrid-ruby/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

Hit up @rbin or @eddiezane on Twitter with any issues.