
Some help please.

BaxAndrei opened this issue · 10 comments

How I can get body of curl request as String to output in console?
I tried this:
$("curl https://localhost:8443/public/"); but it gives me an error.

Hello @BaxAndrei

ClassNotFoundException is meaningful : the library is not present.

Curl library is either not in your bundled jar or in your target folder.

You need to verify how the project is built. Alternatively, you can try to copy manually the curl jar in your target.

Good luck.

provided scope is dangerous.

It means that the jar is not bundled and will need to be provided at runtime by your server or your java options

Try compile scope instead


Still same problem

I don't know how I can help further with that. Can you share the issue with a local expert in your project ?

ClassNotFoundException literally means that the classes are not added to your bundled program

Which is absolutely not a trouble with the lib itself

I understand. i will open a ticket on the eclipse forum. Thank you very much.