- 1
- 4
--data-raw can not support
#300 opened by xiamaoxuan - 3
Error: Invalid character found in method name [0x160x030x010x.....E0xe90x05I0x1c0x1e ]. HTTP method names must be tokens
#295 opened by haglo - 4
use dataurlencode
#249 opened by libin0811 - 2
Some Assistance re: Curl Parameters.
#237 opened by lucasortizny - 1
- 1
ReadArguments OutOfMemoryError bug
#43 opened by hedong911 - 1
-T parameter support missing
#39 opened by freakmoder - 10
Some help please.
#34 opened by BaxAndrei - 1
sftp curl example
#35 opened by bvsuryavanshi - 2
- 3
sends two user-agent
#29 opened by hosseinmp76 - 2
- 4
Upload base64 file stack overflow error
#27 opened by hedong911 - 7
- 6
Can not upload a file
#26 opened by JulienBreton - 7
add option for keystore password
#23 opened by ediccar - 6
Argument -L doesn't work
#22 opened by andrewg78 - 1
stackoverflowErorr for long curl, where we are calling `getArgsFromCommand()`
#20 opened by saurabh1mishra - 4
StackOverflowError on POST with large json data
#19 opened by antracs99 - 4
- 2
way to get the response
#18 opened by MohamedA95 - 5
- 2
Crash if -u option passed without a password
#14 opened by rpocklington - 4
How to add cookies ?
#15 opened by rlaurente - 10
Can not work proxy auth
#13 opened by shige0102 - 5
Curl info
#12 opened by roydekleijn - 14
#11 opened by SayedSadat - 4
#10 opened by ShafiqSadat - 3
- 7
- 6
- 31
- 5
Upload Zip File
#5 opened by ibsoft - 6
-k doesn't work
#4 opened by sscarduzio - 2
Parameter with space in POST-request
#3 opened by yshinkarev - 2
Incorrect detection of POST-request
#2 opened by yshinkarev - 7
Unrecognized option: --data-urlencode
#1 opened by LeoColman