
Community submitted Scene2D UI Skins

Primary LanguageJava



Community submitted Scene2D UI Skins

See a live interactive preview of each Skin here

Download each Skin in a small zip here

Submitting your skin

  • Clone the repository
  • Create your Skin folder
  • Your Skin folder should contain an assets folder for your pngs, skin.json files, atlas and font files
  • Create an info.json file with the following format:
  "title": "Your Skin Name",
  "description": "Your Skin description",
  "author": "Your name",
  "foldername": "The folder name",
  "filename": "YourSkin.json"
  • add a preview.png image of your Skin

  • Place your Skin folder into the skins folder

  • Submit a Pull Request with your changes