Introduction to simple mapping in R: georeferencing lat/long coordinates, thematic mapping and choropleth maps, using simple features, leaflet, and tmap and mapview.
- a231234
- abuabaraTexas A&M University
- amruthkiran94Indian Institute for Human Settlements
- Andros-SpicaRuhr University Bochum & University of Cologne
- anugrahyudhaIndonesia
- cssaneeshGerman Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research
- dennishilgyNYC Health
- edx903@geointcn
- elgabo82GrupoFMO @GrupoFMO
- elipoussonBaltimore City Department of Planning
- heatherjfoleyDuke University Marine Laboratory
- hujinghaoabcdUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- jt14denUCLA Library Data Science Center
- lcmgregoire
- Leo-Lee15China
- liquan-z
- portableantHertfordshire
- PythonCoderUnicornCanada
- Rashed-01
- sjmelles
- syctlj
- tungttnguyenPalouse
- XiangyunHuang@cosname