
Purpose of this repo is to demonstrate gateway's perf degradation with payload

Primary LanguageScala


To demonstrate response time degradation with payload and TLS enabled.


Deploy Spring Cloud Gateway that will route requests to a spring boot microservice. Gatling will drive the load, measure the latency and plot the graphs. All components are running on the same host.

  • Spring Boot 2.2.4
  • Spring Cloud (Hoxton.SR2)
  • Netty 4.1.45
  • Spring Cloud Gateway 2.2.1.


The test runs 4 scenarios. Calling microservice directly with/out payload and calling it via. gateway with/out payload. The payload used as request body was 100k JSON.


response time [ms]
Direct with Payload 6
Direct no Payload 2
Gateway with payload 11
Gateway no payload 3

Gateway's response time with payload: 11 - 6 = 5ms
Gateway's response time without payload: 3 - 2 = 1ms

What we also noticed is that if we disable TLS then there isn't any degradation.

How To Run

From root directory ./test.sh
The results can be found in gatling-test/target/gatling/