
Firmware Project Layout

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status Coverage Bugs Vulnerabilities Code Smells Duplicated Lines (%)

This project is my attempt at developing platform independent and hardware agnostic firmware, providing a standard project layout.

Getting Started

Please refer to Quickstart guide.

Project Layout

├── docs
├── drivers
├── external
│   ├── cbor
│   ├── libmcu
│   └── tinyusb
├── include
├── ports
│   ├── esp-idf
│   ├── freertos
│   ├── nrf52
│   ├── stm32
│   └── zephyr
├── projects
├── src
└── tests
Directory Description
common Reusable components invoked by various systems. non-application-specific code
docs Project documentation, possibly auto-generated
drivers Device drivers
external External dependencies including all the third party libraries
include Public headers
ports Adapter codes for a specific hardware or platform
projects Build rules
src The application-specific code, including private headers
stubs Non-functional glue code for build to be done without error
tests Automated tests
tools Tools and utilities

Supported Boards

Supported boards can be found here.


Contributions are welcome. Feel free to submit issues, enhancement requests and Pull Request.