
Shaping the future of the OCCA portability framework together.

OCCA Technical Advisory Forum


The scope of OCCA usage and development has grown considerably since the framework's beginnings. In particular, it is a key dependency of mission-critical computational science and engineering applications in government, industry, and academia internationally.

The OCCA Technical Advisory Forum aims bring together OCCA users and developers to discuss technical aspects of the framework, plan for future development, and to ensure the maintenance and reliability of the codebase.

General Meetings

The technical advisory forum meets the third Wednesday of each month at 10:00 Central Time (US) to accommodate the greatest number of attendees. To have a topic added to the meeting agenda, create a pull-request here or contact Kris Rowe.

Meetings are held virtually using MS Teams. A link will be posted in the meeting notes ~15 minutes prior.



Working Groups

Working groups will be formed periodically to help address specific topics which require a focused effort and more frequent discussions. Participation in working groups is open to everyone. Please see the relevant links below for more details.

Contact Info

Questions or feedback can be directed to Kris Rowe.