If you find this code useful, please cite:
Lee H, Li B, DeForte S, Splaingard M, Huang Y, Chi Y, & Lin S. "A large collection of real-world pediatric sleep studies ". Scientific Data 9, 421 (2022). PDF
The NCH Sleep DataBank can be accessed from https://sleepdata.org/datasets/nchsdb and https://physionet.org/content/nch-sleep/.
We have not calculated AHI from our side, but we think it should be straightforward to calculate it from the annotations file. The annotations (.tsv) files look like this example https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-022-01545-6/tables/4. So calculating AHI for a given sleep study should be doable by:
- counting how many words containing 'hyponea' or 'apnea' appear in the 'Description' column.
- counting how many times 'Sleep stage R', 'Sleep stage N1', 'Sleep stage N2', 'Sleep stage N3' appear in the 'Description' column -> multiply this number by 30 seconds to get the Total Sleep Time.
- divide #1 by #2 to get the AHI for one patient in one sleep study.
- Originally, we incorrectly suggested counting occurences of 'Sleep stage W' into Total Sleep Time. We thank S. Haimov for bringing it to our attention. See https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4246141/ and https://www.sleep.pitt.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/The-AASM-Manual-for-Scoring-of-Sleep-and-Associated-Events-2007-.pdf for more definitions.