- 5
Unable to install Queso Library on Ubuntu VM
#669 opened by Prem7Chand - 0
MLSampling HDF5 output
#668 opened by tradowsk - 0
- 0
Multiple chains case is not resilient when of the forward problems in one of the chains fails
#662 opened by dmcdougall - 0
- 1
- 5
- 4
Boost program options broken on dev
#655 opened by briadam - 9
Mixed input file and C++ API options handling
#569 opened by briadam - 1
test_intercomm0 cleanup is broken
#646 opened by dmcdougall - 2
Single quotes break Boost program options
#642 opened by briadam - 0
Harden MALA with a richer set of tests
#638 opened by dmcdougall - 0
- 0
We don't need to create a hyperparameter domain
#627 opened by dmcdougall - 1
- 0
hdf5.m4 doesn't snarf $HDF5_DIR correctly
#610 opened by dmcdougall - 3
- 2
"Discrepancy off" mode
#594 opened by roystgnr - 0
Error message from multiple chains writing HDF5: `hdf file type not supported for multiple sub-environments yet`
#581 opened by dmcdougall - 0
"make install" fails in parallel
#611 opened by roystgnr - 1
Remove log(actualValue) logic in beta/gamma pdfs
#601 opened by dmcdougall - 3
GPMSA domain and data scaling
#551 opened by briadam - 0
Implement a `choSolve` for `GslMatrix`
#604 opened by dmcdougall - 3
Fix lambda_eta vs lambda_wi distinction
#511 opened by roystgnr - 1
DKridge needs to be overrideable
#595 opened by roystgnr - 0
Make ip_mh_doLogitTransform/newer algorithms options logic work better together
#600 opened by dmcdougall - 0
Option to output log prior
#599 opened by briadam - 0
`./configure --without-boost --enable-boost-program-options` should result in a configure-time error
#588 opened by dmcdougall - 5
Confusing MPI `FullEnvironment` logic
#587 opened by dmcdougall - 2
- 27
weird af memory corruption bug
#582 opened by dmcdougall - 0
- 2
Verify GPMSA on CASL linear verification problem
#579 opened by briadam - 0
Document GPMSA output
#578 opened by dmcdougall - 15
GPMSA with shifted non [0,1] prior
#575 opened by briadam - 9
`test_gpmsa/` failing locally
#568 opened by dmcdougall - 7
GPMSA indexing error: simulation vs. experiment
#553 opened by briadam - 0
Re-evaluate what space adaptivity happens in with the logit transform turned on
#555 opened by dmcdougall - 1
Implement convergence diagnostics
#549 opened by dmcdougall - 1
Removing the old GPMSA interface
#534 opened by dmcdougall - 0
We might consider using pcg-random
#540 opened by dmcdougall - 4
- 0
Add Importance Sampling to MonteCarloQuadrature
#533 opened by pbauman - 4
- 1
Document Requirement for using QUESO GetPot
#529 opened by pbauman - 3
- 0
User control of max evaluations
#512 opened by briadam - 0
- 1
Discrepancy kernel specifications
#509 opened by roystgnr - 1
Make ConcatenatedVectorRV implementation requirements mirror those of VectorRV
#506 opened by briadam