Execute the following commands to light-up a node for iov-mainnet-ibc. Be sure to change the custom environment variable USER_IOV
, the user that will run the node. USER_IOV
must exist before you can proceed.
The chain has been upgraded twice since its inception, which means that three different binaries are needed to sync the chain from block 1. Sync'ing from block 1 is broken into three phases and will take days.
sudo su -c bash # make life easier for the next ~100 lines
for i in basename chgrp chmod curl grep journalctl jq sed sha256sum systemctl wget ; do [[ $(command -v $i) ]] || { echo "❌ $i is not in PATH; PATH == $PATH; cannot proceed" ; exit -1 ; } ; echo "✅ $i" ; done # check for necessary apps
cd /etc/systemd/system
# custom variables - use values appropriate for your setup
export USER_IOV=iov # "iov" is not recommended
# assert that USER_IOV exists
id ${USER_IOV} && echo '✅ All good!' || echo "❌ ${USER_IOV} does not exist."
# constants
export CHAIN_ID=iov-mainnet-ibc # IBC enabled Starname (IOV) chain id
export DIR_STARNAMED=/opt/iovns/bin # directory for starnamed related artifacts
# create an environment file for the Starname Asset Name Service
cat <<__EOF_STARNAMED_ENV__ > starnamed.env
# operator variables
# directories (without spaces to ease pain)
# paths for starnamed and it's required libwasmvm.so
# artifacts
chgrp ${USER_IOV} starnamed.env
chmod g+r starnamed.env
set -o allexport ; source /etc/systemd/system/starnamed.env ; set +o allexport # pick-up env vars
# create starnamed.service
cat <<__EOF_STARNAMED_SERVICE__ > starnamed.service
Description=Starname Asset Name Service
User=$(id ${USER_IOV} -u -n)
Group=$(id ${USER_IOV} -g -n)
systemctl daemon-reload
# download gitian built binary; starnamed is the Starname Asset Name Service daemon
mkdir -p ${DIR_STARNAMED} && cd ${DIR_STARNAMED}
wget -c ${STARNAMED} && sha256sum $(basename ${STARNAMED}) | grep 505aaddb5a8390576a6f0315627387a64a5682133ddc07b612fd2e05f1280bad && tar xvf $(basename ${STARNAMED}) && echo '✅ All good!' || echo '❌ BAD BINARY!'
# create starnamed.sh, a wrapper for starnamed
cat <<__EOF_STARNAMED_SH__ > starnamed.sh
exec starnamed start \\
--home=${DIR_WORK} \\
--minimum-gas-prices='1.0uiov' \\
--moniker='${MONIKER}' \\
--p2p.laddr='tcp://' \\
--p2p.persistent_peers='ca133187b37b59d2454812cfcf31b6211395adec@, 1c7e014b65f7a3ea2cf48bffce78f5cbcad2a0b7@, 8c64a2127cc07d4570756b61f83af60d34258398@, 9aabe0ac122f3104d8fc098e19c66714c6f1ace9@, faedef1969911d24bf72c56fc01326eb891fa3b7@, 94ac1c02b4e2ca3fb2706c91a68b8030ed3615a1@, be2235996b1c785a9f57eed25fd673ca111f0bae@, f63d15ab7ed55dc75f332d0b0d2b01d529d5cbcd@, f5597a7ed33bc99eb6ba7253eb8ac76af27b4c6d@' \\
--rpc.laddr='tcp://' \\
--rpc.unsafe=true \\
chgrp ${USER_IOV} starnamed.sh
chmod a+x starnamed.sh
# initialize the Starname Asset Name Service
su - ${USER_IOV}
set -o allexport ; source /etc/systemd/system/starnamed.env ; set +o allexport # pick-up env vars
rm -rf ${DIR_WORK} && mkdir -p ${DIR_WORK} && cd ${DIR_WORK}
# initialize starnamed
starnamed init ${MONIKER} --chain-id ${CHAIN_ID} --home ${DIR_WORK} 2>&1 | jq -r .chain_id
# customize ${DIR_WORK}/{app.toml,config.toml} if you want
# get the genesis file
curl --fail https://gist.githubusercontent.com/davepuchyr/6bea7bf369064d118195e9b15ea08a0f/raw/genesis.json > config/genesis.json
sha256sum config/genesis.json | grep e20eb984b3a85eb3d2c76b94d1a30c4b3cfa47397d5da2ec60dca8bef6d40b17 && echo '✅ All good!' || echo "❌ BAD GENESIS FILE!"
exit # ${USER_IOV}
systemctl enable starnamed.service
journalctl -f -u starnamed.service & systemctl start starnamed.service # watch the chain sync until it intentionlly panics after block 4597999
exit # root
Proposal 9, a software upgrade, forced starnamed
to intentionally panic after block 4,597,999. The starnamed
binary needs to be upgraded in order to continue sync'ing iov-mainnet-ibc
# make life easier for the next ~20 lines
sudo su -c bash
# replace the old starnamed artifact with the new one in starnamed.env
sed --in-place 's/0.10.12/0.10.13/g' /etc/systemd/system/starnamed.env
# pick-up env vars
set -o allexport ; source /etc/systemd/system/starnamed.env ; set +o allexport
# cd to where all the action is going to happen
# move the old binaries out of the way of the new ones
mv -v starnamed starnamed-v0.10.12
mv -v libwasmvm.so libwasmvm.so-v0.10.12
# get the new starnamed binary
wget -c ${STARNAMED} && sha256sum $(basename ${STARNAMED}) | grep a3555955a1d001449d7e05793852ea23064905614bab0bb8cefc250758ea81bf && tar xvf $(basename ${STARNAMED}) && echo '✅ All good!' || echo '❌ BAD BINARY!'
journalctl -f -u starnamed.service & systemctl restart starnamed.service # watch the chain sync until it intentionlly panics after block xxxxxxx
### Phase 3 Of 3
[Proposal x](https://big-dipper.iov-mainnet-ibc.iov.one/proposals/x), a software upgrade, forced `starnamed` to intentionally panic after block x,xxx,xxx. The `starnamed` binary needs to be upgraded in order to continue sync'ing `iov-mainnet-ibc`.
exit # sudo su
Thanks to the current and former employees of IOV SAS and all the open-source developers in the Cosmos community!
- Adrien Duval LeCodeurDuDimanche
- Jacob Gadikian faddat
- Frojdi Dymylja fdymylja
- Orkun Külçe orkunkl
- Ethan Frey ethanfrey
- Simon Warta webmaster128
- Alex Peters alpe
- Aaron Craelius aaronc
- Sunny Aggarwal sunnya97
- Cory Levinson clevinson
- Sahith Narahari sahith-narahari
- Jehan Tremback jtremback
- Shane Vitarana shanev
- Billy Rennekamp okwme
- Westaking westaking
- Marko marbar3778
- JayB kogisin
- Rick Dudley AFDudley
- KamiD KamiD
- Valery Litvin litvintech
- Leonardo Bragagnolo bragaz