
Android Material theme and Tool library.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Version 2.0.0 Guide

中文 English Guides Sample

##What is Genius-Android?


Genius-Android is some of the commonly used method in Android collection, Genius library provide five basic plate :

app(Ui) animation(Animation)widget(Material Widget) command(Command Line) net tool(Ping、Dns...) util(Common Method,Class)








Function modules

  • app

    • UIKit support the child thread synchronization asynchronous switching to the main thread
    • BlurKit support Java Jni use the StackBlur algorithm fuzzy images
  • animation

    • TouchEffectAnimator Can add click to control effects
    • TouchEffectEnum Move, Ripple, Ease, None
  • widget

    • Fonts opensans roboto
    • Colors none dark light
    • Controls GeniusButton GeniusCheckBox GeniusTextView
  • command

    • Independent service command-line work process execution
    • Similar to the ProcessBuilder operation
    • Intelligent correct operation, solve the operation problem
    • One key start and cancel the operation, control of freedom
    • Can be synchronous and asynchronous execution, the callback event
  • net tool

    • One key Ping DNS TelNet TraceRoute
    • Can be controlled, can be cancelled;Don't need to care about the details
    • Concurrent routing tasks, can be in around 40 s testing is completed
  • util

    • AppContext Global variables, access convenient and quick
    • HashUtils String with the file MD5
    • Tools ID SN Determine the device unique identifier
    • Log Such as system Log as simple to use, one key switch
    • Log Can store the log to a file, convenient analysis errors
    • Log You can add event listeners, convenient interface display log information
    • FixedList Fixed-length queue, automatic pop-up, keep the queue number

Get library

  • Star and Fork this project.
  • MavenCentral remote import:
// Adding to your project "build.gradle" file
dependencies {
  compile 'com.github.qiujuer:genius:2.0.0'

Update Log

  • Version: 2.0.0
  • Date: 2015-01-07
  • Log: Notes

Method of application

Initialization and destruction
Genius.initialize(Application application);
app module
// "Runnable" implementation method "run()"
// "run()" run in the main thread, the can interface
// Synchronization to enter the main thread, waiting for the main thread processing to continue after the completion of the subprocess
UIKit.runOnMainThreadSync(Runnable runnable);
// Asynchronous into the main thread, without waiting for
UIKit.runOnMainThreadAsync(Runnable runnable);
// Synchronously But the child thread just wait for the waitTime long
// @param runnable Runnable Interface
// @param waitTime wait for the main thread run Time
// @param cancel   on the child thread cancel the runnable task
UIKit.runOnMainThreadSync(Runnable runnable, int waitTime, boolean cancel)

// "bitmap" is to be processed images
// "radius" is picture is fuzzy radius
// "canReuseInBitmap" Whether directly using the "bitmap" fuzzy,
// "false" will copy the "bitmap" to doing fuzzy
// Java blur
BlurKit.blur(Bitmap bitmap, int radius, boolean canReuseInBitmap);
// Jni blur, To the Jni is a kind of Bitmap images
BlurKit.blurNatively(Bitmap bitmap, int radius, boolean canReuseInBitmap);
// Jni blur, To the Jni is image collection "pixel"
BlurKit.blurNativelyPixels(Bitmap bitmap, int radius, boolean canReuseInBitmap);
animation 模块
// TouchEffectAnimator Allowed to add click on special effects to your control
// Types: Move, Ease, Ripple, None
public class GeniusButton extends Button {
    private TouchEffectAnimator touchEffectAnimator = null;
    // Initialize
    public void initTouchEffect(TouchEffect touchEffect) {
        touchEffectAnimator = new TouchEffectAnimator(this);
        // Set model
        // Set Color
        touchEffectAnimator.setEffectColor("this color");
        // Set this clip radius
    // Init height width and others
    protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
        super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
        if (touchEffectAnimator != null)
    // Callback onDraw
    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
        if (touchEffectAnimator != null)
    // Callback onTouchEvent
    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
        if (touchEffectAnimator != null)
        return super.onTouchEvent(event);
widget module
// First of all specified in the root container:

// The theme style: see screenshot
// Provide the font: `opensans` `roboto`
// The font size: `bold` `extrabold` `extralight` `light` `regular`

// ==================Global Attribute=================
    genius:g_theme="@array/grass" />

// `g_textAppearance`: Specify the font color, the default for ` none `
// `g_fontFamily`: Specify a font of two kinds of fonts
// `g_fontWeight`: The specified font weight
// `g_fontExtension`: The font extension
// `g_cornerRadius`: Arc radius
// `g_borderWidth`: Border width
// `g_theme`: Specify the subject style, 12 kinds of arbitrary choice

// ==================GeniusButton==================
    genius:g_blockButtonEffectHeight="10dp" />

// `g_touchEffect`: Move, Ease, Ripple, None
// `g_blockButtonEffectHeight`: The button shadow height

// ==================GeniusCheckBox==================
    genius:g_enabled="true" />

// `g_ringWidth`: Ring width
// `g_circleRadius`: The center of the circle radius
// `g_checked`: Is checked
// `g_enabled`: Is allow click

// ==================GeniusTextView==================
    genius:g_customBackgroundColor="#FFFFFF" />

// `g_textColor`: Font color type
// `g_backgroundColor`: Background color type
// `g_customBackgroundColor`: Background color
command module
// Execute the command, the background service automatic control
// The same way call way and the ProcessBuilder mass participation
// Timeout: Task timeout, optional parameters
// Params: executing params,such as: "/system/bin/ping","-c", "4", "-s", "100","www.baidu.com"
Command command = new Command(int timeout, String... params);

// Synchronous
// After the completion of the results returned directly
String result = Command.command(new Command(Command.TIMEOUT, "..."));

// Asynchronous
// Results to event callback method returns
Command command = new Command("...");
Command.command(command, new Command.CommandListener() {
    public void onCompleted(String str) {
    public void onCancel() {
    public void onError(Exception e) {

// To cancel a task command
Command.cancel(Command command);

// Restart the Command service

// Destroy
// Using 'Genius.dispose()' method is run this destroy
net tool module
// Ping
// Introduced to the domain name or IP
// Result: delay, packet loss
Ping ping = new Ping("www.baidu.com");
// Start
// Return
if (ping.getError() == NetModel.SUCCEED) {}
else {}
Others similarly
util module
// ===================FixedList===================
// Fixed length queue
// Can specify length, using methods similar to ordinary queue
// When join the element number to a specified number elements will pop up
// Insert the tail pop-up head, tail insertion head pops up

// Initialize the maximum length of 5
FixedList<Integer> list = new FixedList<Integer>(5);

// To obtain the maximum capacity
// Adjust the maximum length; Narrow length will be automatically deleted when the head redundant elements

// Using List to operation
List<Integer> list1 = new FixedList<Integer>(2);

// ====================HashUtils==================
// Hash to calculate(Md5)
// String with the file can be calculated Md5 value

// Get the MD5
String hash = HashUtils.getStringMd5(String str);
// Access to the file MD5
String hash = HashUtils.getFileMd5(File file);

// ======================Log======================
// Log class
// Calls the method with using Android as the default method
// Can be set if the store log information
// Can copy the log information to SD card
// Can add the event callback in the main interface, the interface, real-time display the log

// Add a callback
// The callback class
Log.LogCallbackListener listener = new LogCallbackListener() {
    public void onLogArrived(Log data) {
// Adding

// Whether Android call system Log, can control whether to display
// Is open to a file, the file number, a single file size (Mb)
// The default is stored in the application directory is /Genius/Logs
Log.setSaveLog(true, 10, 1);
// Set whether to monitor external storage inserts
// Open: insert an external device (SD), will copy the log files to external storage
// This operation depends on whether written to the file open function, not open, this method is invalid
Log.setCopyExternalStorage(true, "Test/Logs");

// Copies of internal storage log files to external storage(SD)
// This operation depends on whether written to the file open function, not open, this method is invalid

// Set the log level
// ALL(show all),VERBOSE to ERROR decreasing

// Add log
Log.d(TAG, "DEBUG ");

// ====================Tools====================
// Commonly used toolkit
// Are all static methods, later will continue to add

// Thread sleep
Tools.sleepIgnoreInterrupt(long time);
// Copy the files
Tools.copyFile(File source, File target);
// AndroidId
Tools.getAndroidId(Context context);
// SN Id


    <!-- Internet permission -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <!-- Log file permission -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
    <!-- getDeviceId permission -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>


Download the project, the project can be imported into Android Studio, Android Studio >= 1.0

Project which contains a library and a test project, the library can be imported into your own project use.

Eclipse Cannot import directly in the program, please create a project in accordance with the corresponding category replacement to their projects.


You in use if you have any question, please timely feedback to me, you can use the following contact information to communicate with me

Giving developers

Are interested in and write a free, have joy, also there is sweat, I hope you like my work, but also can support it. Of course, rich holds a money (AliPay: qiujuer@live.cn); No money holds personal field, thank you.

About me

  var info = {
    nickName  : "qiujuer",
    site : "http://www.qiujuer.net"


Copyright 2014 CengaLabs.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.