A repository in development for a solar powered network of servers that host a distributed web platform. Project by Tega Brain, Alex Nathanson and Benedetta Piantella. Supported by Eyebeam Rapid Response for a Better Digital Future fellowship.
- Code for an energy responsive front end is in test-site folder
- To test, set up a virtual environment and install requirements.txt
- make an installer.sh (not time sensitive)
- add link to documention somewhere (https://www.namecheap.com/support/knowledgebase/article.aspx/29/11/how-do-i-use-a-browser-to-dynamically-update-the-hosts-ip)
- Basic energy data collection for different sized pages and traffic. (not time sensitive)
- add poe log to front-end page
- network visualizations
- how do we add content from hosts?
- make our own personal sites for the servers
- make sure the point of entry log starts rewriting data after 100 entries and doesn't keep adding data forever
- refactor admin console (not time sensitive)
- system for adding/ removing network nodes
- filter out duplicate IP addressses on admin console
- API for plaintext redirect... ex. solarprotocol.net/idm would redirect to the IDM solar server even if its not the point of entry at that moment - another option would be to pass the IDM local content to whichever server is the point of entry as needed through the API
- Add interface in admin console to change local content
- Documentation of our work
- Public programming around this
- Slow/low video streaming + audio?
- Personalization from hosts
- Eg. Aesthetic personalization such as name, banner, welcome note. And an html page, which could include a pdf.
- Directory of solar powered sites