An SDL-1.2 compatibility layer that uses SDL 2.0 behind the scenes.
- 3
SDLK_CAPSLOCK works differently than in SDL 1.2
#331 opened by mikrosk - 2
Rendering failure with Closure
#342 opened by vv221 - 1
Hammerfight: mouse don't work
#341 opened by OlegAckbar - 0
OpenXcom scrolling issue
#340 opened by th555 - 1
issues affecting Loki port of Sim City 3000
#339 opened by twolife - 0
- 0
Jamestown black screen
#337 opened by OlegAckbar - 1
[Cave Story Freeware] doukutsu.bin: Abort/segfault at startup (audio crash)
#335 opened by FoxMcCloud45 - 2
- 0
- 5
issues affecting Loki port of Soldier of Fortune
#322 opened by twolife - 1
xu4 (Ultima IV remastered, older SVN version) fails
#328 opened by TeaRex73 - 10
Test the Linux Game Publishing demos...
#268 opened by icculus - 1
#329 opened by schauveau - 0
Statically linking SDL2 at compile time, rather than dynamically loading it at runtime
#327 opened by absolutelynothinghere - 1
Compilation failed on SDL2 < 2.0.10
#324 opened by farox1 - 2
- 0
- 13
1.2.68 release?
#319 opened by smcv - 2
- 3
- 1
add MSVC arm64 and mingw32/64 runs to CI
#309 opened by sezero - 3
- 19
- 4
- 1
How about opposite approach :) ?
#312 opened by arczi84 - 1
MSVC ARM32 builds fail linkage
#308 opened by sezero - 0
SDL_LoadWAV() crashes with invalid files
#310 opened by zmanuel - 0
- 3
more icebreaker issues (crash on startup)
#304 opened by mattdm - 3
Cogmind support
#303 opened by aronson - 3
- 1
- 8
bumprace: sometimes hangs on Wayland
#271 opened by icculus - 10
Steel Storm Burning Retribution demo: can crash with BadWindow, workaround: SDL12COMPAT_ALLOW_SYSWM=0
#290 opened by smcv - 5
SDL_SetPalette incorrect return value?
#294 opened by tylerlm - 21
Plans for release 1.2.61?
#286 opened by hartwork - 7
tuxmath segfaults at startup
#289 opened by musuruan - 2
Absolute mouse positioning broken in doomlegacy
#287 opened by KungFuJesus - 3
- 5
Alpha Centauri - Animation performance issue
#277 opened by vv221 - 1
[Git main] SDL_SetVideoMode does not fully free the surface created by a previous call to SDL_SetVideoMode but should?
#285 opened by hartwork - 2
[Git main] SDL_Quit does not free the surface created by SDL_SetVideoMode but should?
#284 opened by hartwork - 17
xrick starts with incorrect colors and then freezes
#283 opened by chewi - 7
Alpha Centauri - Game is stuck after playing a video
#278 opened by vv221 - 9
Alpha Centauri - Artifacts around video playback
#279 opened by vv221 - 1
Error with new version of smpeg
#276 opened by Yuri-K7 - 10
Quake 2 XP black screen after loading a level
#273 opened by mbriar - 8
perl-SDL testsuite get stuck in SDL_FreeYUVOverlay() after SDL_LockMutex_REAL() since 1.2.56 (1.2.52 was OK)
#275 opened by soig - 4
Maelstrom text rendering squished
#274 opened by slouken