Search for Commands az find
--search-query user or the short syntax

az find -q rbac Users List Users az ad user list
-o table Create Users az ad user create
--display-name Ned
--password MyStrongPass987$$
--user-principal-name Roles Creating Role Assignment Create Role Assignment on a Subscription az role assignment create
--role "Owner"
--assignee <Service_Principal> Create Role Assignment on a Resource Group az role assignment create
--role Reader
--resource-group HadzosResourceGroup Create Role assignment on a Subscription –assignee Represent a user, group, or service principal. supported format: object id, user sign-in name, or service principal name.

–assignee-object-id: Assignee’s graph object id, such as the ‘principal id’ from a managed service identity. Use this instead of ‘–assignee’ to bypass graph permission issues.

az role assignment create
--assignee-object-id 1d500143-702b-4ed8-a0cc-c46a1f29de1b
--role Contributor Delete a Role for an Assignee az role assignment delete
--assignee 1d500143-702b-4ed8-a0cc-c46a1f29de1b
--role Reader Listing Roles az role definition list az role definition list
-o table az role definition list
--output json | jq '.[] | {"roleName", "description"}' az role definition list
--name "Contributor" List Roles for an Assignee az role assignment list
--assignee 1d500143-702b-4ed8-a0cc-c46a1f29de1b
-o table List role assignment az role assignment list
-o table List role assignment and filter for name or principalName az role assignment list | grep 'name|principalName' List role assignment and filter for name or principalName or principalId az role assignment list | grep 'name|principalName|principalId' Listing Get info about VM from a Resource Group az vm list
--resource-group $ResourceGroup az vm list
--resource-group $ResourceGroup | grep 'id' List images az vm image list
--output table List resources az resource list
-o table List access az role assignment list
--assignee "ASSIGNEE-PRINCIPAL-NAME" Generate an ARM template from an existing resource group az group export
-n kakoje_acs_rg1 List VM usage in a region az vm list-usage
--location westeurope -o table Locks az lock create
--name ReadOnlyLock
--resource-group HadzosResourceGroup
--lock-type CanNotDelete Network List VNets az network vnet list
-o table List Public IPs az network public-ip list
-o table List Network Security Group az network nsg list
-o table List NIC az network nic list
-o table List resources in a group az resource list
-g MyHadzoGroupName List resources in a group and filter for name or type az resource list
-g HadzoGroup | grep "name|type" List VMs az vm list List groups as json az group list as table az group list
--output=table List locations az account list-locations
-o table Create group in westeurope region az group create
-n HadzoGroup
-l "westeurope" Show information for a specific group az group show
-n HadzoGroup show only id of the group az group show
-n HadzoGroup
--query id
-o tsv Creating Creating VM’s az vm create
-n MyVM
-g HadzoGroup
--image "UbuntuLTS"
--size Standard_DS2_v2 or

az vm create
--name MyVM
--resource-group HadzoGroup
--image "UbuntuLTS"
--size Standard_DS2_v2
--admin-username "hadzo"
--ssh-key-value ~/.ssh/ Deletig Deleting Resource Groups az vm delete
-n MyVM
-g MyResourceGroup az group delete
-n MyGroup az group delete
--name MyGroup