
Rust Solution

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Rust Solution

  1. Two Sum
  2. Reverse Integer
  3. Palindrome Number
  4. Roman to Integer
  5. Longest Common Prefix
  6. Valid Parentheses
  7. Merge Two Sorted Lists
  8. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
  9. Remove Element
  10. Implement strStr()
  11. Search Insert Position
  12. Maximum Subarray
  13. Length of Last Word
  14. Plus One
  15. Add Binary
  16. Sqrt(x)
  17. Climbing Stairs
  18. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List
  19. Merge Sorted Array
  20. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal
  21. Same Tree
  22. Symmetric Tree
  23. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
  24. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
  25. Valid Palindrome
  26. Two Sum II - Input array is sorted
  27. Excel Sheet Column Title
  28. Majority Element
  29. Excel Sheet Column Number
  30. Factorial Trailing Zeroes
  31. Reverse Bits
  32. Number of 1 Bits
  33. Happy Number
  34. Count Primes
  35. Contains Duplicate
  36. Contains Duplicate II
  37. Summary Ranges
  38. Power of Two
  39. Valid Anagram
  40. Add Digits
  41. Ugly Number
  42. Missing Number
  43. First Bad Version
  44. Move Zeroes
  45. Nim Game
  46. Range Sum Query - Immutable
  47. Power of Three
  48. Counting Bits
  49. Power of Four
  50. Reverse String
  51. Reverse Vowels of a String
  52. Intersection of Two Arrays
  53. Valid Perfect Square
  54. Guess Number Higher or Lower
  55. Ransom Note
  56. First Unique Character in a String
  57. Find the Difference
  58. Is Subsequence
  59. Binary Watch
  60. Sum of Left Leaves
  61. Convert a Number to Hexadecimal
  62. Longest Palindrome
  63. Fizz Buzz
  64. Third Maximum Number
  65. Add Strings
  66. Number of Segments in a String
  67. Arranging Coins
  68. Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array
  69. Assign Cookies
  70. Hamming Distance
  71. Island Perimeter
  72. Number Complement
  73. License Key Formatting
  74. Max Consecutive Ones
  75. Construct the Rectangle
  76. Teemo Attacking
  77. Next Greater Element I
  78. Keyboard Row
  79. Find Mode in Binary Search Tree
  80. Base 7
  81. Perfect Number
  82. Most Frequent Subtree Sum
  83. Fibonacci Number
  84. Detect Capital
  85. Longest Uncommon Subsequence I
  86. Reverse String II
  87. Student Attendance Record I
  88. Reverse Words in a String III
  89. Array Partition I
  90. Binary Tree Tilt
  91. Reshape the Matrix
  92. Distribute Candies
  93. Longest Harmonious Subsequence
  94. Range Addition II
  95. Can Place Flowers
  96. Merge Two Binary Trees
  97. Maximum Product of Three Numbers
  98. Maximum Average Subarray I
  99. Two Sum IV - Input is a BST
  100. Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence
  101. Valid Palindrome II
  102. Baseball Game
  103. Binary Number with Alternating Bits
  104. Count Binary Substrings
  105. Degree of an Array
  106. Search in a Binary Search Tree
  107. Binary Search
  108. Design HashSet
  109. Design HashMap
  110. To Lower Case
  111. 1-bit and 2-bit Characters
  112. Find Pivot Index
  113. Flood Fill
  114. Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target
  115. Min Cost Climbing Stairs
  116. Largest Number At Least Twice of Others
  117. Shortest Completing Word
  118. Prime Number of Set Bits in Binary Representation
  119. Toeplitz Matrix
  120. Jewels and Stones
  121. Rotate String
  122. Unique Morse Code Words
  123. Number of Lines To Write String
  124. Most Common Word
  125. Shortest Distance to a Character
  126. Goat Latin
  127. Positions of Large Groups
  128. Flipping an Image
  129. Rectangle Overlap
  130. Peak Index in a Mountain Array
  131. Buddy Strings
  132. Lemonade Change
  133. Binary Gap
  134. Leaf-Similar Trees
  135. Middle of the Linked List
  136. Projection Area of 3D Shapes
  137. Uncommon Words from Two Sentences
  138. Fair Candy Swap
  139. Surface Area of 3D Shapes
  140. Monotonic Array


Special thanks to JetBrains for providing the license certificate to the project.