This is your task for the day. Please go through the instructions carefully.
You will be building the provided UI today with the following functionalities -
- The "Repository 01 ..." field is the repo name.
- The [GO] button is a link to that repo which opens is a new window when clicked.
- User can put in a github userid in the text field.
- Hitting the fetch button will populate the table with new data from that user id using Github's REST API.
- The table will be generated using your own github data by default (on first load).
- The table will display no more than 5 records.
- There cannot be any unnecessary whitespace or unused data rows.
- Fork/Clone this repository to make edits.
- Recreate the provided screen with html5, css3 and vanilla javascript. Pay attention to the details.
- At the end, commit all changes, publish the your work to github and create a pull request.
- You cannot use any 3rd party libraries or frameworks for this task. No external css framework, no jQuery.
- While writing CSS, use Inheritance.
- You will be required to write some javascript too. Use only vanilla javascript.
- Commit frequently with clear commit messages.
- Comment your code well.
- You have 75 minutes to attempt this task.
You will be provided with all necessary color codes and images.
Let's get started! Give this your best shot. We are not looking for what you 'cannot' do, we are looking at how you do what you do. No losers today!
color: #5b378e;
Font: Euclid Flex Light