If there's something you think could be improved, chances are someone else agrees. The content/
directory contains blog post content. Pull requests are welcome, or you can file an issue if something is hard to understand. Issues are also used to track ideas. The Contributer Covenant applies.
This blog is served with Rust using the Zola static site generator. The theme chosen is Abridge.
- Clone repo:
git clone https://github.com/simbleau/simbleau.github.io.git
- Init submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Change directories:
cd zola
- Serve:
zola serve
- Preview:
✅ hot-reloading
This project is licensed under MIT, except blog content, which is copyright under CC-BY. In other words, you may fork the repository and use my code in permissive ways, however you must cite content from one of my blog posts. ❤️
Per my licensing, I require citation for my blog content found in content/
and static/
. Please follow the examples below, or use best practice.
"Introduction" by Spencer C. Imbleau / CC BY
‼️ Title is necessary and linked- 🔗 Author is linked
- 🔗 Source URL is linked
- 🔗 License deed is linked
Logo by Spencer C. Imbleau / CC BY
- ❓ Title may be documented
- 🔗 Author is linked
- 🔗 Source URL is linked
- 🔗 License deed is linked