
An exericise in implementing user authentication on the backend with signup, login, and verification. Passwords are hashed and session cookies are set on signup/login. Supertest is used for testing.

Primary LanguageHTML


An exericise in implementing user authentication on the backend with signup, login, and verification. Passwords are hashed and session cookies are set on signup/login. Supertest is used for testing.


  • MongoDB
  • mongoose
  • express
  • jsonwebtoken
  • cookie-parser
  • bcryptjs
  • supertest
  • jest


  • POST /signup (sets session cookie)
  • POST /login (sets session cookie)
  • GET /verify (uses ensureAuth middleware)

User Model

email: { type: String, required: true, unique: [true, 'Email is taken'] }, passwordHash: { type: String, required: true } }, { toJSON: { transform: (doc, ret) => { delete ret.passwordHash; } } });

virtuals: password methods: findByToken(), authenticate(), authToken()


  • ensure-auth: uses findByToken to verify user is logged in
  • error: sends error message if no validation error or if mongoose catches
  • not-found: sends 'not found' error in case of invalid route