Single tube:

-1: Only 3 dof's of one end are prescribed. These dof's
    prevent rigid body motions. Then structure is relaxed.

 0: all the x dofs of one end plus 3 dofs are prescribed. Then
    the structure is relaxed.

 1: bending

13: This is bend and Compress at the same time. the compression
    is not given in %, but in nm.

11: bending so that the hypothetical semi-circle formed by the tube
    has the length of the original tube, i.e. the ends are rotated
    and compressed. Note this does not work if RESTART!!!

 2: twisting

 3: Compression with ends totally prescribed

 4: Compression with only x dofs prescribed at ends plus 3 dofs

 5: load at one end and the other is fixed

 6: squeeze the tube

 7: Compress the tube holding only 4 points

 8: vertical forces at ends, upper and lower lines don't z-move, and 
    central 3 nodes fixed.

10: Ends and central lines don't z-move. in execution it becomes code 0 

In nested tubes, option -1 does not exist.

In running the code, -69 means tha dynamical relaxation is carried out.