- 0
Blitz rating display not updating or inconsistant
#2554 opened by StentMan - 0
Accessibility of the mobile app Lichess
#2553 opened by Lipedev300 - 0
Move from opponent didn't showed up
#2552 opened by alan-hallow - 2
Android: consistently shows searching for game overlay even after game start
#2551 opened by MatthewARoy - 0
My king disappeared on board in tournament and I lost
#2550 opened by ulrichmp - 1
When someone accepts challenge,
#2540 opened by Jahanorite - 2
More games opened
#2541 opened by torreloco1 - 6
- 0
Move not transmitted
#2549 opened by mydimle - 0
Castling Rights on Edited Board
#2548 opened by tkeetch - 2
Ban algorithm could use some work
#2538 opened by noah - 2
Waiting for an opponent screen not hiding
#2543 opened by alexdemassy - 2
Help to migrate blichess to Capacitor 6
#2542 opened by vovagorodok - 0
Won’t let me match a game as white
#2546 opened by oswaler - 0
- 1
Time bug
#2544 opened by Kogan-sergey - 4
We had to time you out for a while.
#2524 opened by gizmo - 0
Player names swapping in Lichess TV
#2539 opened by bustikiller - 3
Correspondence confirm move behavior
#2536 opened by deathanchor - 1
Overlap of pawn and queen on puzzle
#2535 opened by Bobitsmagic - 0
should the 'Log in by email' be add
#2537 opened by Fidelissimus - 1
Lichesss Android not showing imported games.
#2521 opened by jurgen2005 - 0
Challenging from position with direct invite in Lichess App without need to send url.
#2534 opened by cosmopax - 0
Auto leave
#2533 opened by Sadra9563 - 0
I'm stuck in a time bug
#2532 opened by Karafan344 - 1
System dropped my rating from 1698 to 1651 in rapid
#2505 opened by Almershed122 - 1
my bullet rating gone from 2345 to 2264 for no reason my id T-MUTHUKUMAR
#2507 opened by muthukumartc - 1
Error de puntaje
#2506 opened by Victor2049v - 1
F-droid version does not support notifications
#2523 opened by kuba-orlik - 5
Timeout vs opponent with a bishop & king only
#2531 opened by franraknic - 1
When opening the application, an error message pops up. I request to block this pop-up
#2530 opened by Hgnim - 1
unexplained ending of game
#2529 opened by rostrummer - 0
- 0
Flipped board bug
#2527 opened by ili1lli11 - 0
Blunders should be split
#2526 opened by benheideveld - 0
App not working
#2525 opened by Perfidus - 0
Paired with myself
#2522 opened by Binayak-Rath - 0
Frozen Queen - iOS
#2520 opened by Ikarvz - 0
I can't see other people's chat during gameplay
#2519 opened by squashkaboss - 0
I can't move my pieces doring the game.
#2518 opened by Zarko300 - 3
- 1
Create New study
#2508 opened by ejad9 - 1
Study issue
#2512 opened by Ankanahadoww - 2
Studies are not accessable
#2511 opened by gustavdalemo - 0
game not ended
#2516 opened by svalovic - 1
- 4
Disable move confirm when low on time
#2515 opened by ziv-vy - 0
Game closed
#2514 opened by Mattnn377458955994493838 - 0
Unexpected time increment
#2510 opened by chuaxr - 0
I can't read the studies
#2509 opened by Darkingstone11