
Master doesn't currently compile

SethTisue opened this issue · 2 comments

[info] compiling 67 Scala sources to /Users/tisue/scalachess/target/scala-2.13/classes ...
[error] /Users/tisue/scalachess/src/main/scala/format/pgn/Parser.scala:285:44: value repeat is not a member of String
[error]     val errorLine    = line ++ "\n" ++ " ".repeat(caret.col) ++ "^"
[error]                                            ^

this came up in the Scala 2 community build

Seems to be compiling locally, and on CI

The scala-parser-combinators dependency was recently replaced with cats-parse: #239. IDK if that could be an issue.

Looks like a weird error value repeat is not a member of String. String.repeat is a java method.

Ah.... The failure I observed was on JDK 8. I'll mark the project as requiring 11+.