- 0
- 2
use FIDE handbook's tables in ELO computations
#579 opened by ornicar - 1
- 4
- 1
Make all endgame drills same color
#510 opened by danispringer - 0
Generalize Pgn
#536 opened by lenguyenthanh - 4
Use Scalacheck for testing pgn parser
#251 opened by lenguyenthanh - 0
rename `OpeningFen`
#494 opened by kraktus - 3
- 3
Migrate specs2 to munit
#411 opened by lenguyenthanh - 14
- 3
Consider if we should stop using `TotalWrapper` for `OpaqueBitboard` for performance gain
#442 opened by lenguyenthanh - 3
How do I get started?
#418 opened by sombor-shuffle - 2
Rename `Pos` to `Square`
#401 opened by kraktus - 5
Expose situationAfter via MoveOrDrop
#371 opened by greg-finley - 1
Publish in a sbt repository
#302 opened by FrequentlyMissedDeadlines - 1
timeout vs insufficient material in NvN antichess
#296 opened by rcheevers - 1
variant: DFRC
#285 opened by rwst - 1
PGN cleanup may break comments
#255 opened by niklasf - 2
Master doesn't currently compile
#265 opened by SethTisue - 1
Reject pgn files that have invalid tags format
#253 opened by lenguyenthanh - 1
Fix En Passant in Horde for pawns in rank 1
#233 opened by borgrel - 0
test failures (ForsythTest, HashTest)
#232 opened by SethTisue - 0
Rename Paulsen Variation => Taimanov Variation?
#227 opened by jamesqo - 2
- 3
allow parsing pgn with non-nag glyph annotations
#217 opened by yanghu - 1
- 2
Are new Variants accepted if I send a PR?
#192 opened by theovoss - 1
- 0
remove duplication between unmoved rooks and castles
#139 opened by niklasf - 0
Threefold repetition not including initial position
#203 opened by rulojuka - 1
Knight vs Bishop is not a draw
#202 opened by MrGorbunov - 1
fail to parse PGN tag with brackets in the value
#127 opened by ornicar - 5
Incorrect Opening Name - Blackmar Gambit is called Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Prematurely
#183 opened by landry314 - 0
Calculate antichess material imbalance
#186 opened by ddugovic - 2
Heuristic function for game phase is asymetric
#162 opened by ethomas2 - 0
Atomic castling with touching kings
#176 opened by thomas-daniels - 3
Win awarded despite forced mate for other side
#167 opened by TheThirdOne - 2
insufficient material in KQBvKB
#163 opened by niklasf - 1
- 0
- 1
How to play with machine?
#150 opened by ngocdaothanh - 0
Crazyhouse insufficient material draws
#142 opened by orausch - 2
upgrade to specs2 4.x?
#140 opened by SethTisue - 0
make fen parser more robust
#137 opened by niklasf - 1
Errors on running sbt
#136 opened by steventsao - 4
chess.ClockTest failing
#133 opened by SethTisue - 0
scale lag comp based on time control
#118 opened by isaacl - 2
increase lag comp for friend games
#117 opened by isaacl - 0
situation calced twice in applyMove
#120 opened by isaacl