
电脑博物馆 - DNBWG.com

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电脑博物馆 DNBWG.com

Online computer museum for Chinese readers and open source community

DNBWG.com 网站是配合知乎专栏 古董电脑室 建设的在线电脑模拟器网站,希望能够以一种更直观的方式展示历史上著名的电脑平台的特性。针对中文读者还加入了许多**市场上独有的硬件和软件平台,包括UCDOS、文曲星电子词典、小霸王学习机、中华学习机等。

Credits and Thanks


Web emulator integration:


Platform specific emulators used

DOS: dreamlayers/em-dosbox

IBM PC XT / Atari ST / Macintosh Plus: jsdf/pce

Windows 95: copy/v86

NES: tsone/em-fceux

Macintosh IIci / CEC-I / Subor: mamedev/mame

IBM PC 5150: jeffpar/pcjs

ZX Spectrum: gasman/jsspeccy2

Acorn Electron: dmcoles/elkjs

BBC Micro: mattgodbolt/jsbeeb

Apple II(e): whscullin/apple2js

TRS-80: http://trsjs.48k.ca/trs80.html

Commodore 64: rjanicek/vice.js

Atari 800XL: http://zerstoerung.de/jsa8e/

GGV NC1020: hackwaly/jswqx

NEC PC-9821: yksoft1/dosbox-x

Commodore Amiga: naTmeg/ScriptedAmigaEmulator

MSX: http://jsmsx.sourceforge.net/

Xerox Alto: marciot/retroweb-salto-simulator-js

NEC PC-9801: yksoft1/np2-em

SHARP X1 Turbo: yksoft1/xmil