
Power of .bashrc and .bash_aliases

Primary LanguageShell


Power of .bashrc and .bash_aliases In last stream I have explained how to user .bashrc and .bash_aliases for easy and powerfull recon.


  1. Subfinder
  2. Assestfinder
  3. Domained
  4. AltDns
  5. CTFR
  6. CSP
  7. Wayback
  8. Ffuf
  9. Notify
  10. Nuclei
  11. Virtual-host-discovery
  12. Httpx
  13. Tld-Scanner
  14. GitGrabber


Save both file .bashrc and .bash_aliases in your vps (linux based)

when you have only single target

subenum target.com
alive target.com_unique
slacknotify target.com_unqiue.alive
getdirs target.com_unique.alive

when you have list of target

sublist targetlist.txt
cat targetname* | sort -u | uniq | tee domains.txt
alive domains.txt
slacknotify domains.txt.alive
getdirs domains.txt.alive

virtual host discovery

vhost server-ip target.com

Github recon

gitauto target

tld enumeration and subdomain enumeration

tldenum target


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