
Connect NotORM with Nette Framework 2

Primary LanguagePHP

NotORM\Connection for Nette Framework 2

This class create NotORM connection in Nette Framework 2 project with panel for Nette\Debugger.
For NotORM you can implement your own NotORM_Structure or NotORM_Cache interfaces.


1. Copy notorm_connection/ directory into your nette libs/ project.
	(of course you need also notorm/ in libs/)

2. Setup config.neon. Basic setup is:


			class: NotORM\Connection
			arguments: ['mysql:host=localhost;dbname=sample-db', 'root', '']

			factory: [@connection, getNotORM]

	(for more possibilities see included config.neon.example file)

3. Now NotORM connection is accessible via context:


4. If you need some addition configuration for NotORM you can do it in bootstrap.php:

	$container = $configurator->loadConfig(__DIR__ . '/config.neon');

	// NotORM setup
	$container->notorm->rowClass = 'My_NotORM_Row';

5. You can create shortcuts in BasePresenter.
	(X-layers-domain-model-lovers read more only on your own risk! ;-)

	abstract class BasePresenter extends Nette\Application\UI\Presenter
		 * @var NotORM
		public $notorm;

		protected function startup() {
			$this->notorm = $this->context->notorm;

		protected function beforeRender() {
			$this->template->notorm = $this->notorm;


	Now you can use notorm in all presenters e.g.:

		public function renderDefault() {
			$title = $this->notorm->article[$id]['title'];
			// or
			$this->template->article = $this->notorm->article[$id];

	and in template e.g.:


6. Now you can delete libs/Nette/Database directory ;-)

For more information see NotORM and Nette framework documentation.


Feel free use it for everything ;-)