
Pytorch version of NIPS'16 "Learning to learn by gradient descent by gradient descent"

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Learning to learn by gradient descent by gradient descent [PDF]

This is a Pytorch version of the LSTM-based meta optimizer.

  • For Quadratic functions
  • For Mnist
  • Meta Modules for Pytorch (resnet_meta.py is provided, with loading pretrained weights supported.)


  • Ubuntu
  • Python 3

This repository has been tested on GTX 1080Ti.


  • Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/chenwydj/learning-to-learn-by-gradient-descent-by-gradient-descent.git
cd learning-to-learn-by-gradient-descent-by-gradient-descent
  • Install dependencies:
pip install requirements.txt


  • To reproduce the paper: simply go through the notebook Grad_buffer.ipynb. Note that some images not properly loaded in browser will show-up in downloaded local version.
  • To implement your own Learning-to-Optimize works: please feel free to use meta_module.py
    • from meta_module import *
    • Replace all torch.nn.XXX to MetaXXX, where "XXX" is in [Module, Linear, Conv2d, ConvTranspose2d, BatchNorm2d, Sequential, ModuleList, ModuleDict].
    • resnet_meta.py is provided. Pretrained weights can be loaded. Use the meta resnet the same way you did before (e.g. model = resnet101(pretrained=True)).


The core part to reproduce the LSTM meta optimzer is to update the nn.Parameters of the optimizee in place while retaining the grad_fn. In Pytorch, nn.Parameters are designed to be leaf nodes. The only way to modify the value of an patameter is something like p.data.add_ (take the last line in sgd.py in Pytorch for an example). However, modifying .data of a tensor does not produce a grad_fn, which is vital for our meta optimizer to be upadted from. More discussions can be found in here and here.

One way to bypass this problem is to leverage the Buffer in Pytorch. Buffer is also a "parameter" in our model and can be saved in state_dict, but will not be returned by model.parameters(). Once typical example of Buffer is the running_mean and running_var in BatchNorm layers. The Buffer tensors can be treated as weights, while also have the flexibility to retain grad_fn when being updated in-place. We thus add parameters via nn.Module.register_buffer().

This comes the reason why the meta_module.py is provided. The core class is MetaModule, which inherits nn.Module but we manually return the Buffers as parameters. Further on, we build MetaLinear, MetaConv2d, MetaConvTranspose2d, MetaBatchNorm2d, and MetaSequential on top of MetaModule with registered buffers.
