

What it does

Our application allows users to create and manage their own personal journal, while also receiving feedbacks and suggestions on what to write for the next time. Furthermore, the user can also view an analysis of their journal to see how they are feeling, and highlighting the sentences in their journal which represents their modd.

How we built it

The frontend was built using React. 

How to run


We had a lot of trouble setting the the user authentication and sessions, which leads to us not being able to test a lot of our functionality until we had it going. And we did not do enough research beforehand on how that is supposed to be implemented.

What we learned

The most inportant thing we learned is definitely to use the right tools and do some basic boilerplate code beforehand. That way we can ensure that we are ready and have plenty of time to work on the project once Hackathon actually starts. 


We were able to get most of the functionalities working, but we did not have time to fully publish the UI. Overall it was a great experience to be working with a team of people who are passionate about the project and being a part of the Hackathon.


Arham Humayun
Chris Chen
Erick Yip
Jorge Avila
Liam Conway