Insight service in Python
The gRPC service is devoloped assuming that a data pipeline processes and stores daily transactions data in an analytical database, for example a Clickhouse DB. Hence, the file is served as a mock for the DB.
The Clickhouse table can be partitioned by transaction date and indexed by product_id
. And the third role is customer_id
. Note a customer can buy a product several times in one transaction. We can have an additional column count
Though talking with a gRPC service from multiple languages is simple, we can setup gRPC gateway to proxy the service as an HTTP service.
- Setup a pipenv environment
pip install pipenv
pipenv --python $(which python3)
Install Python grpc tools
pipenv install -d grpcio-tools
- Define API in a proto file and init prototool
prototool config init
# lint
# prototool lint
- Generate Python code
pipenv run python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. insight/v1/product_insight_api.proto
- Create API server
# install grpcio
pipenv install grpcio
# install protobuf
pipenv install protobuf
# install grpcio-reflection
pipenv install grpcio-reflection
# generate tls certs, choose common as `localhost`. Note the private key file should never be commmited in reality.
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out certificate.pem
- Run server
pipenv run python --port 5000 --datafile=transactions.json
- Talk to server
pipenv run python --address=localhost:5000
or use grpcurl
# list all services
grpcurl -plaintext localhost:5000 list
# describe ProductInsightAPI
grpcurl -plaintext localhost:5000 describe insight.v1.ProductInsightAPI
insight.v1.ProductInsightAPI is a service:
service ProductInsightAPI {
rpc GetSalesCount ( .insight.v1.GetSalesCountRequest ) returns ( .insight.v1.GetSalesCountResponse );
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"start_time": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z", "end_time":"2019-08-01T00:00:00Z", "product_id": 185}' localhost:5000 insight.v1.ProductInsightAPI/GetSalesCount
"product_id": 185,
"sales_count": 97
- Add Dockerfile
# build docker image
docker build --pull -t insight:v1 .
# run docker container
docker run -p 5000:80 -v $TRANSACTION_FILE:/data/transactions.json insight:v1
The servers use access token to authenticate a client. Just supply --access-token=$ACCESS_TOKEN
when starting a server or client.
- See FIXME!
- horizontaly scale the service with kubernetes
- expose the service as an HTTP service with gRPC gateway
- improve naming and error handling