how can I road my files?
TakatoG opened this issue · 8 comments
I made a washU.txt file from CHiCAGO, so I loaded it in WashU browser.
However, it remained blank...
How can I my files to load??
I manipulated Tracks>Local text tracks.
Thank you.
Hi @TakatoG wondering if your file contains 1, 2, 3 as chrom name, should be chr1, chr2 etc? if not, can you send me your file (or part of it)? thanks!
Thank you for your replay. I'm a a beginner of bioimformatics..
I tested CHiCAGO's file as follows;
and I got .txt file.
Can I load this?
Thank you.
Hi @TakatoG ,
Sorry for late reply. Current this format is not supported directly, but can be added easily in next release.
if you can do scripting, you can convert your file to the follow below:
chr1 713605 715737 chr1:720589-722848,2
chr1 717172 720090 chr1:761197-762811,2
chr1 720589 722848 chr1:713605-715737,2
chr1 755977 758438 chr1:758539-760203,2
then you can load the reformatted text file through: Tracks-> Local text tracks-> choose long-range text
Hope this helps. I will add the direct support in next release (a week or two).
Thank you for reply.
Is it possible that convert the file?
Could you tell me how to convert the file?
Thank you.
Hi @TakatoG ,
you can use this one line command to convert the format:
sed 's/\t/,/2;s/,/\t/;s/,/\t/;s/,/:/;s/,/-/;' _washU_text.txt > long-range.txt
then you can upoad this file to the browser using the local text tracks, then navigating to some positions on chr20, below is your data displayed on the browser:
this is called heatmap style, you can right click and switch to arc style
Thank you for teaching me!
Really appreciate.