
Type the name of a TV show at the command line and start watching the latest episode within 10 seconds. 📺 Uses torrent search scraping, TVDB API, and WebTorrent CLI.

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Type the show you want to watch in the command line – see the latest episode (or any episode you specify) playing seconds later! Finds the latest episode via the TVDB API, queries The Pirate Bay, and finds the best torrent in your preferred resolution, playing it automatically with WebTorrent.



Installation and usage

  1. Install webtorrent-cli globally: npm install -g webtorrent-cli
  2. Clone the repo, cd into it, and npm install
  3. (Recommended) create a "watch" bash alias to node + [path to repo's index.js]. E.g., alias watch='node ~/Developer/spekti/index.js'.
  4. Register for a TVDB account and get an API key.
  5. Create a config.json file in the root of the repo with your TVDB credentials, and optionally a preferred resolution. It should look like this:
  "preferredQuality": 720, // this property is optional. valid options: 720, 1080
  "tvdb": {
    "apikey": "[YOUR API KEY]", // get from http://thetvdb.com/?tab=userinfo after completing step #4
    "userkey": "[YOUR USER KEY]", // "Account Identifier" field from http://thetvdb.com/?tab=userinfo
    "username": "[YOUR USERNAME]"

That's it – now watch something! Type "watch" + a TV show name to watch the latest episode, or type "watch" + a TV show name + a season and episode number in the format "sXXeXX" (like "s01e05") to watch a specific episode.


  • watch silicon valley > plays the latest episode of Silicon Valley
  • watch arrested development s01e10 > plays Arrested Development episode "Pier Pressure"

The name

"Spekti" is an Esperanto translation of "watch". Not to be confused with the Finnish rapper of the same name.