
MusicCloud Server implemented with ASP.NET Core

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


The server of MusicCloud implemented in C# with ASP.NET Core.

Run in Docker Docker Image Size

It works out of box (with transcoding).

Run simply

docker run -d yuuza/musiccloud:latest

With custom data location

docker run -d --name mc -v /PATH_TO_DATA:/app/data yuuza/musiccloud:latest

Image tags

  • latest (default): master branch
  • dev: dev branch

With docker-compose

Create file docker-compose.yml in a directory:

version: "2"

        image: yuuza/musiccloud:latest
            - ./data:/app/data
            - "80:80"

Start the app:

docker-compose up -d

Build / Run Manually


Configure Back-end

Edit file appsettings.json.

(Please ensure staticdir is configured correctly. By default it expects frontend files in ../MusicCloud/dist/)


dotnet run

In the first time, dotnet will automatically restore (i.e. download and install) the project dependencies.

After the server started, you can access http://localhost:5000/


On the app first run, a "super admin" user is created automatically. (username: "admin", password: "admin")

We don't have an admin UI yet. But the admin user is able to:

  • See any tracks and playlists regardless of their visibility settings
  • Delete any comments
  • Upload without file type and size limitations