
Compiler I wrote for fun after looking over the coursera compilers course.

Primary LanguageC++

After looking over the coursera's compilers course, I thought it'd be fun to write my own compiler (without using any external libraries). And here it is, it compiles a Java-like language (example in code.mm) into x86 assembler code.

Some of the language characteristics:

  • Variables can be passed by value (3 built-in types: Int, Bool, String) or reference (which is basically a pointer to the class attributes).
  • String is a pointer to byte sequence ending with \0.
  • True value is "greater or equal to 1", false is "less or equal to 0".
  • Ids (vars, attribs, methods) names: [a-z]([a-z]|[0-9]|_)* (notice no uppercase letters)
  • Types names: [A-Z]([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9])*
  • Logical operators have precedence before arithmetic, so the result of 2 + 2 == 4 will be 2 (should be 1 - true) because 2 == 4 will return 0 and 2 + 0 will return 2. That's why you should use the brackets everywhere.
  • And operator doesn't work as in C, in if(a && b) both a and b will be evaluated.
  • Programs are single-threaded.
  • Local variables hide class attributes.
  • Local variables names must be unique inside method.
  • Entry point is the main method of the first parsed class.
  • Method definitions must be followed by def, calls by call (this was introduced to simplify the grammar).
  • NULL => cast<YourType>(0)

The compiler itself is splitted into 4 parts:

  • lexer (Lexer.h) - Produces a list of tokens from the input string. It's autogenerated by gen_lexer.py. Tokens (TYPES) descriptions are defined by regular expressions (RULES) (syntax: *,|,[a-z],(,),[^a]), Lexer is a state machine and parsing is done using the LUT tables, generating these tables may take a while...
  • parser (Parser.h) - Creates and validates the AST. It's autogenerated by gen_parser.py basing on the defined grammar (GRAMMAR). Non-terminal symbols are in lower-case, terminal in upper-case. Many simplifications has been taken and the grammar is far from perfect.
  • semantic checker (SemanticCheck.h) - This is a two-pass semantic check, it uses the AST generated by gen_parser.py. It provides very basic checks and was written mainly to provide information needed by the code generator.
  • code generator (CodeGen.cpp) - Generates x86 assembler code (FASM syntax), it also uses the AST generated by gen_parser.py. It contains almost no optimizations. All variables are processor word size (I used 32-bit assembler so 4 bytes). All integers are signed 32-bit values, all arithmetic operations are signed. Only 4 registers are used: eax (as the accumulator), ebx (for 2 arguments operators and adresses), esp and ebp (for method arguments). There is no "Byte" type, so any operations on strings or arrays need to be implemented in assembler. The only built-in function is gc_malloc, it takes 1 argument: size of memory that needs to be allocated.

Method call layout:

Int method(Int arg1, Int arg2, Int arg3) {
    Int loc_var1, loc_var2, loc_var3;
# this pointer # ebp+20 # pointer to the class instance in which the method is called
# method arg1  # ebp+16 # method arguments
# method arg2  # ebp+12
# method arg3  # ebp+8  
# ret addr     # ebp+4  # return adress to calling method
# prev fp      # ebp    # previous frame pointer
# method_dsc   # ebp-4  # pointer to method description used by gc
# loc_var1     # ebp-8  # local variables
# loc_var2     # ebp-12
# loc_var3     # ebp-16 # here is where stack pointer (esp) points