
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Lido Lido Depositor bot


Depositor and pauser bots are parts of Deposit Security Module.

The Depositor Bot obtains signed deposit messages from Council Daemons. Once a sufficient number of messages is collected to constitute a quorum, the bot proceeds to initiate a deposit into the designated staking module. This deposit is executed using the depositBufferedEther function within the "DepositSecurityModule" smart contract.

The Pauser Bot obtains pause message from Council Daemon and enacts pause on the specified staking module.

Table of Contents

Running Daemon

  1. Create .env file
  2. Setup variables
    • Set MESSAGE_TRANSPORTS to rabbit
  3. docker-compose up
  4. Send metrics and logs to grafana
  5. Setup alerts


Required variables

Variable Default Description
WEB3_RPC_ENDPOINTS - List of rpc endpoints that will be used to send requests comma separated (,)
WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY - Account private key
CREATE_TRANSACTIONS false If true then tx will be send to blockchain
LIDO_LOCATOR 0xC1d0b3DE6792Bf6b4b37EccdcC24e45978Cfd2Eb Lido Locator address. Mainnet by default. Other networks could be found here
DEPOSIT_CONTRACT 0x00000000219ab540356cBB839Cbe05303d7705Fa Ethereum deposit contract address
DEPOSIT_MODULES_WHITELIST 1 List of staking module's ids in which the depositor bot will make deposits
--- --- ---
MESSAGE_TRANSPORTS - Transports used in bot. One of/or both: rabbit/kafka
RABBIT_MQ_URL - RabbitMQ url
RABBIT_MQ_USERNAME - RabbitMQ username for virtualhost
RABBIT_MQ_PASSWORD - RabbitMQ password for virtualhost
--- --- kafka is not used at the moment --- ---
KAFKA_BROKER_ADDRESS_1 - Kafka servers url and port
KAFKA_USERNAME - Kafka username
KAFKA_PASSWORD - Password for kafka
KAFKA_NETWORK - Network type (mainnet or goerli)
KAFKA_TOPIC - Kafka topic name (for msg receiving)
KAFKA_GROUP_PREFIX - Just for staging (staging-)

Additional variables

Variable Default Description
MIN_PRIORITY_FEE 50 mwei Min priority fee that will be used in tx
MAX_PRIORITY_FEE 10 gwei Max priority fee that will be used in tx
MAX_GAS_FEE 100 gwei Bot will wait for a lower price. Treshold for gas_fee
CONTRACT_GAS_LIMIT 15000000 Default transaction gas limit
AUCTION_BUNDLER_URIS - List of relays uris
AUCTION_BUNDLER_PRIVATE_KEY - Private key - Used to identify account for relays (should NOT be equal to WALLET private key)
GAS_FEE_PERCENTILE_1 20 Percentile for first recommended fee calculation
GAS_FEE_PERCENTILE_DAYS_HISTORY_1 1 Percentile for first recommended calculates from N days of the fee history
GAS_PRIORITY_FEE_PERCENTILE 25 Priority transaction will be N percentile from priority fees in last block (min MIN_PRIORITY_FEE - max MAX_PRIORITY_FEE)
MAX_BUFFERED_ETHERS 5000 ether Maximum amount of ETH in the buffer, after which the bot deposits at any gas
PROMETHEUS_PORT 9000 Port with metrics server
PULSE_SERVER_PORT 9010 Port with bot`s status server
MAX_CYCLE_LIFETIME_IN_SECONDS 1200 Max lifetime of usual cycle. If cycle will not end in this time, bot will crush

Metrics and logs

Metrics list could be found in source code. Prometheus server hosted on http://localhost:${{PROMETHEUS_PORT}}/.



git clone git@github.com:lidofinance/depositor-bot.git
cd depositor-bot
poetry install

To run bot

# For depositor bot
poetry run python src/depositor.py

# For pause bot
poetry run python src/pauser.py


Run unit tests

poetry run pytest tests -m unit

Run integration tests.

Install Hardhat and run goerli fork

npm install --save-dev hardhat
npx hardhat node --fork ${{ WEB3_RPC_ENDPOINT }} &
poetry run pytest tests -m integration

Release flow

To create a new release:

  1. Merge all changes to the main branch.
  2. After the merge, the Prepare release draft action will run automatically. When the action is complete, a release draft is created.
  3. When you need to release, go to Repo → Releases.
  4. Publish the desired release draft manually by clicking the edit button - this release is now the Latest Published.
  5. After publication, the action to create a release bump will be triggered automatically.

Annotations to code

Council daemons sends messages to depositor and pauser bot throw kafka or rabbit.


Every 5 blocks Executor instance calls depositor bot. If Depositor returns failed status, executor executes depositor with next block instead of waiting for 5 blocks.


Depositor bot makes deposit only if next conditions are ok

  • Gas fee is low enough
  • There are enough buffered eth ready for deposit
  • There are enough messages from Council Daemons to form a quorum
  • Module is active and not paused


Message filtering process

  1. Filter all invalid messages. (Invalid schema or signature)
  2. Filter all expired messages
  3. Filter all messages with block number less or equal to latest block in depositor bot and with outdated nonce or deposit root.
