
Some Interesting Books/Open courses I have read during my Ph.D. study are stored here (To avoid copyright problems, only names will be provided)

This is somehow just a memo:)

The List

The classifications & names are not very rigorous, Whatever:)


Tong Zhang, Learning Theory (Too many formulas... just)


Larry Wasserman, All of Statistics

Andrew Gelman, Bayesian Data Analysis

Ma Yi, High-Dimensional Data Analysis

Keener, Theoretical Statistics

Efron, Computer Age Statistical Inference

Sara van de Geer, Empirical Process Theory (God, it's just soooo difficult, I will revisist it someday)

CUHK STAT3009: Recommender System

UCB STAT210B: Theoretical Statistics II (By Peter Bartlett)

PKU: Modern Computational Statistics (2019) (Website:

Yale SDS610: Statistical Inference (Last chapter very interesting, needs revising for many times)

Bodhisattva Sen: A Gentle Introduction to Empirical Process Theory and Applications (Not gentle at all, very difficult. May revisit the weak convergence part some day).

Bradly Neal, Introduction to Causal Inference

Gabriel Peyre, Computational Optimal Transport


文再文, 最优化:建模,算法与理论

Evans, Introduction to Stochastic Differential Equation

John Conway, Functional Analysis

Rick Durrett, Probability: Theory and Examples

Do Carmo, Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces

Yeung Wai-Ho, Information Theory and Network Coding

Roman Vershynin, High-Dimensional Probability

Computer Science


William L. Hamilton Graph Representation Learning

Quant Finance

Hands on Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading

Literatures (Fantasy, Fiction, etc)


乔治·R·R·马丁, 七王国的骑士

