Slim Vue Scaffolding
Server Requirements
You'll need
PHP >= 7 PHP MySQL >= 5.5 MySQL
Install composer or type
curl -sS | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
Install PHP dependencies
cd /var/www/slimvuedemo
composer install
Set folder permissions
sudo chmod -R 777 logs
sudo chmod -R 777 public/dist
Set your environment up
cat .env.dist > .env
nano .env
Create dababase and run
cd bin
php db migrate
Seed your dababase with basic data
cd /var/www/slimvuedemo/data
mysql -u root -p slimvuedemo < slimvuedemo.sql
Edit your settings as you please. Now, your project must be up and running.
Before you commit run dist script
php dist
Publish your documentation
php docs