
Experiment of using NestJS, RabbitMQ and Docker together locally

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Important Note

This is just for experimentation, not for any production code

Getting Started

Make sure you have Docker installed and running.

Create a .env.local file at the root with at least these parameters:


If you wish to have custom username and password, you can do it like this:


Then you can run the project with docker compose up --build (recommended to run without -d for real time logs).

APIs and URLs

  • Use https://localhost:15672 to access RabbitMQ management console (use the username and password you gave in the env file, or just guest for both if you haven't set custom ones)
  • Use https://localhost:3000 to access the producer's API. You have two endpoints:
    • /health - health check, returns just two parameters: status=OK and current time
    • /echo?q=<string> - uses RMQ and the consumer to execute a simple echo, with an added prefix. You can also see the string passed as query param in the consumer's logs