An Undergraduate Research Programming assignment to asses my ability and knowledge in C++
Using the C++ programming language, create an implementation for a simple game of cards. The user should should be able to perform the following operations:
- Draw a card to hand
- Place a card in hand on top of the deck
- Shuffle the deck
- Sort the deck
- Print cards that exist in hand
This deck should be able to hold different types of cards. Allow the user to choose a deck of 60 simple cards that are numbered from 0 to 59, or a deck of traditional playing cards (52 cards of 4 suites, values two to ace). When sorting the playing cards, sort them by suite first, then by value, meaning all the hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades should be together.
Sample Output:
Please choose a deck to play!
- Simple Deck
- Traditional Deck
Choose an option :)
- Draw a card to hand
- Place a card in hand on the deck
- Shuffle the deck
- Sort the deck
- Print cards that exist in hand
- Quit fsdf Invalid input, try again
Choose an option :)
- Draw a card to hand
- Place a card in hand on the deck
- Shuffle the deck
- Sort the deck
- Print cards that exist in hand
- Quit 1 You have drawn Ace of Hearts to your hand
Choose an option :)
- Draw a card to hand
- Place a card in hand on the deck
- Shuffle the deck
- Sort the deck
- Print cards that exist in hand
- Quit 1 You have drawn Deuce of Hearts to your hand
Choose an option :)
- Draw a card to hand
- Place a card in hand on the deck
- Shuffle the deck
- Sort the deck
- Print cards that exist in hand
- Quit 5 Your cards on hand currently are : Ace of Hearts, Deuce of Hearts,
Choose an option :)
- Draw a card to hand
- Place a card in hand on the deck
- Shuffle the deck
- Sort the deck
- Print cards that exist in hand
- Quit 3 Your deck is shuffled
Choose an option :)
- Draw a card to hand
- Place a card in hand on the deck
- Shuffle the deck
- Sort the deck
- Print cards that exist in hand
- Quit 4 Your deck is sorted
Choose an option :)
- Draw a card to hand
- Place a card in hand on the deck
- Shuffle the deck
- Sort the deck
- Print cards that exist in hand
- Quit 6
Thank you for playing and see you again! logout
[Process completed]