
re-implement dotster game with om

Primary LanguageClojure

dots with OM

The final frontier is here, om integrates React.js and core.async and acheieves data flow programming with scale.

We demonstrate the power of om with an implemenation of Dotster Game.

The original Dotster game is implemented in ClojureScript using the Core.async library. See the blog post explaining the game

The Improvement

The dotsters directory contains bug fixes and major code refactors that helps beginner to understand core.async patterns.

The om directory contains the re-implements using om. om is the final frontier of front-end, as it builds on top of react.js and using core.async for inter-component communication. With react.js, we build UI fragement using functions. With core.async, communication is based on data and work can be split and distributed across webworkers.


To build om dotsters,

cd om lein cljsbuild once dots

Then open dots.html to view the dots page.


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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.