
Openstack Juno installation

Primary LanguagePython

Openstack Juno Installation scripts for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

For Openstack Controller :

Operating System : Ubuntu14.04 LTS


Eth0 : Public Network

Eth1: Openstack Management Network

This script install following components of openstack and configure them:



Neutron( neutron-server with ml2)

Nova( nova-api nova-cert nova-scheduler nova-conductor novnc nova-consoleauth nova-novncproxy)


For Openstack Compute Node:

Operating System : Ubuntu14.04 LTS


Eth0 : Public Network

Eth1: Openstack Management Network

Eth2: Openstack Data Network

This script install following components of openstack and configure them:

Nova( nova-compute)

Neutron ( ovs-agent)

For Openstack Network Node:

Operating System : Ubuntu14.04 LTS


Eth0 : Public Network

Eth1: Openstack Management Network

Eth2: Openstack Data Network

This script install following components of openstack and configure them:

Neutron (dhcp-agent, l3-agent, ovs-agent)