🦀📏 Rust library to compare strings (or any sequences). 25+ algorithms, pure Rust, common interface, Unicode support.
- adrien-turiot-maxa
- andrewbanchichBuffalo, New York
- asaaki@markentier
- astrolemonade
- cpolletGeneva, Switzerland
- cyanic-selkie
- dashdeckers
- Dich0tomyPoland
- dknibbeAachen, Germany
- f0rkiAWS
- HadrienG2CNRS
- hormahis
- idoleatTaiwan
- InvisOn
- jakkos-netUK
- Jakob5358
- jeremyyin2012Shenzhen
- JosipTrbuscicInfinum
- kunzaatkoPrague
- lanceschiItaly
- LindronicsTrueLayer
- marcaubeQuébec, Canada
- mastermind88
- mmyjona
- narigama
- orsinium@sendcloud
- proyconKNAW Humanities Cluster & CLST, Radboud University
- richin13@KeplerGroup
- slyshykOUkraine, Kyiv
- tamasfe
- tehbilly@stablekernel
- vijayganeshpkAbu Dhabi, UAE
- willi-kapplerUniversity of Tübingen / Geoscience
- wyatt-herkampRichmond, VA
- zjp-CN
- ZL91