
🚨This is unstable, experimental code and should not be used in production.🚨


This project exists as a playground to explore lightweight APIs for authoring and rendering portable Glimmer components in any web application. The intent of these explorations is to eventually incorporate learnings back into Ember and Glimmer.

Components are defined as classes with an inline template:

// src/MyComponent.js
import Component from '@glimmerx/component';
import Button from './Button'

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
    static template = hbs`
      <h1>Hello world!</h1>
      <Button @title="Click me" />

As shown here with Button, child components can be imported with standard JavaScript syntax.

To render a component, use the renderComponent function:

// src/app.js
import { renderComponent } from '@glimmerx/core';
import MyComponent from './MyComponent';

renderComponent(MyComponent, document.getElementById('app'));


Install the @glimmerx/core and @glimmerx/component packages via Yarn or npm:

yarn add @glimmerx/core @glimmerx/component

You will also need to install a Babel plugin that compiles templates with the Glimmer compiler:

yarn add -D @glimmerx/babel-plugin-component-templates




import Component from '@glimmerx/component'

The Glimmer component base class. Does not have any interesting API to speak of itself.


import { hbs } from '@glimmerx/component'

A tagged template function used to specify component templates. The hbs template must be assigned to a static class field called template in order to be valid.

import Component, { hbs } from '@glimmerx/component';
export default class extends Component {
    static template = hbs`
      <button>Click me</button>

This example does not work:

import Component, { hbs } from '@glimmerx/component';
export default class extends Component {
    // Doesn't work!
    //   * Property is not called `template`
    //   * Property is not static
    myTemplate = hbs`
      <button>Click me</button>


import { tracked } from '@glimmerx/component'

Decorator that marks a class property as tracked. For more information, see Change Tracking with Tracked Properties.

import Component, { hbs, tracked } from '@glimmerx/component';
export default class extends Component {
    static template = hbs`{{this.count}}`;

    @tracked count = 0;

    constructor() {
      setInterval(() => {
      }, 1000)



import { renderComponent } from '@glimmerx/core'

Renders a component into the DOM. The first argument is a Glimmer component class and the second argument is the target DOM element to render it into.

import { renderComponent } from '@glimmerx/core';
import MyComponent from './MyComponent';

renderComponent(MyComponent, document.getElementById('app'));



yarn install

Example Application

For inspiration, see the example application source code. To run the sample application, run yarn start and visit http://localhost:8080.


Run once:

yarn test

For TDD:

yarn test:watch

Tests are run via testem (configured in testem.json) and built with webpack (configured in webpack.config.js).