WAIO - WoodAllInOne (C) Taiju Yamada [License] build/*.nds -> GPLv3 or later build/__rpg/rpglink.nds -> MIT License (removed by lifehackerhansol by request of owner) [Contents] build/*.nds binaries build/waio.nds (no longer working as rpglink is removed by lifehackerhansol by request of owner) Wood All In One, which loads /__rpg/rpglink.nds (modified AKRPG loader) Don't forget to put /moonshl2/extlink/mshl2wrap.ini hbmode is ignored; AKRPG loader is always used for homebrew. build/woodr4.nds WoodR4 patched (use r4loader.nds from official WoodR4) build/woodr4sdhc.nds WoodR4 patched (use modified r4loadersdhc.nds) build/woodex4.nds WoodR4 patched (use modified ex4loader.nds) build/woodils.nds WoodR4 patched (use modified ilsloader.nds) build/woodm3.nds WoodR4 patched (use modified m3loader.nds) build/woodr4ls.nds WoodR4 patched (use r4lsloader.nds from R4_AK_Special) build/woodrpg_ak2i.nds (deprecated) WoodR4 which loads /akloader.nds (please prepare from akextract or AKAIO 1.6RC2) build/woodrpg_mod.nds WoodRPG patched (use rpgloader.nds from official WoodRPG) build/woodak2info.nds WoodR4 which loads ak2loader.nds (AK2i and R4iTT 3DS Clones) - infolib version build/woodak2mix.nds WoodR4 which loads ak2loader.nds (AK2i and R4iTT 3DS Clones) - mixinfo version build/__rpg/*.nds loaders (loaders has a little different protocol so can be used only from appropriate GUI) build/__rpg/r4loader.nds WoodR4 latest loader build/__rpg/r4loaderdldi.nds WoodR4 loader (DLDI-zed, working on clones) build/__rpg/ex4loader.nds (deprecated) WoodR4 loader (DLDI-zed, for R4iLS/EX4DS) build/__rpg/ilsloader.nds (deprecated) WoodR4 loader (DLDI-zed, for R4iLS) build/__rpg/m3loader_old.nds (deprecated) WoodR4 loader (DLDI-zed, for M3Real/M3iZero) build/__rpg/r4lsloader.nds R4_AK_Special loader build/__rpg/rpglink.nds (removed by lifehackerhansol by request of owner) WAIO MoonShell2 extlink wrapper build/__rpg/rpgloader.nds WoodRPG latest loader [proprietary loaders] build/__rpg/m3loader.nds WoodM3 loader by lifehackerhansol (hex edited from ace3dsplusloader) build/__rpg/ttloader.nds (frontend: woodtt.nds) WoodM3/WoodTT loader by toro build/__rpg/r4liloader.nds R4iLS loader (frontend: woodr4li.nds) build/__rpg/ak2loader.nds AK2 loader (extracted from some R4iTT kernsl, 1.52 and 1.72) - Works on AK2i and R4iTT 3DS Clones [History] 0.01.100329 WoodRPG can load ak2loader.nds internally(ak2loader extlink concept test) 0.02.100416 Updated code base to WoodR4 1.05. Much stabler. WoodR4 with .sav/autorunWithLastRom released. 0.03.100515 Updated code base to WoodR4 1.07. 0.04.100617 Updated code base to WoodR4 1.09. Now building is automated. 0.91.100626 Fixed fatx.h (woodrpg_ak2i 0.4 didn't work) Added WAIO (WoodAllInOne). Now you can feel WoodRPG GUI on all flashcarts (as long as extlink is supported :p) 0.92.100701 Now you can use .nds.sav(by binary patching) #Don't use save slot when you use .nds.sav f_stat() dirtily fixed. Now it should get SFN for non-ascii filenames. 0.93.100709 Fixed: woodr4dldi.nds didn't work at all(back to normal r4tf_v2). WAIO won't use autorunWithLastRom any longer (because it is just a homebrew launcher). 0.93a.100725 Recompiled with devkitARMr31/libnds 1.4.4. 0.94.100726 Added WoodR4ext. libnds back to 1.4.3recompiled. 1.00.100728 All loaders are externalized (woodr4.nds 1.09 uses 1.11 loader). GUI is compiled with libnds 1.4.4. WoodR4LS working again. Patch source code is much cleaner. It seems to be stable. 1.01.100820 Code base updated to 1.12. It seems WAIO gets file list much faster. # r4loader.nds is still from official WoodR4 release. 1.02.100829 Partial support for clones. Read Limitation twice. 1.02a.100916 rpglink accepts PPSEDS and GBAldr as homebrew. 1.03.100920 Code base updated to 1.13. For Pokemon B/W freaks. 1.04.100923 Added WoodEX4(R4iLS). Please note you have to use microSD <=4GB. 1.05.101004 Renamed WoodEX4 to WoodiLS. Renamed WoodR4dldi to WoodR4sdhc. Now WoodR4sdhc halts when sav is fragmented. Added WoodEX4(for EX4DS)/WoodM3. Please note softreset is disabled in these versions. These versions halt when nds/sav is fragmented. WAIO checking homebrew routine improved. Fixed header of rpgloader/r4loader/r4lsloader.nds to avoid freeze in R4 OSMenu. Very sorry for those who are expecting WoodDSTT. I might continue investigation when I have time... Well now that loaders other than r4loader/r4lsloader.nds show loading progress, if you see "load fail", PLEASE GIVE UP. 1.06.101008 Now rpglink can boot dslinux. Making argv fixed. Updated code base to 1.14. 1.06a.101014 Fixed last cluster problem again (rpglink) 1.06b.101021 Merged 1.14.2 r4loader.nds. rpglink uses devkitARM r32 / libnds 1.4.8. 1.06c.101021 Added Super Scribblenauts support. Loaders use devkitARM r32 / libnds 1.4.8. Now loaders check fragments using more fuzzy method... 1.07.101028 Updated code base to 1.15 (using devkitARM r32). Stripped unneeded code from WAIO. To enable DLDI again in libunds, I used very special dldi.c. See patch/libunds_dldi.c to check how it is funny... 1.07a.10110x (not public) As SOME people say r4tf.dldi isn't working, I put the original version... 1.08.101112 Based on WoodR4 1.16. Removed rpglink.nds for a reason. This will make WAIO not functional, but I don't know. Now copyrighted by Taiju Yamada, rather than X****. 1.17.101118 Using the same version as Original Wood*. Based on WoodR4 1.17. r4idsn_sd.dldi uses DLDI ID "_R4i" instead of "R4i ". (The same as official kernel) 1.20.101222 Based on WoodR4 1.20. "saveext = .sav" is used in default. # Special fork of akextract, akextract_wood, was created. *** Warning *** WoodR4 original uses 0x023c0000 as ARM9, but it kills one of fopen()/dbg_printf()/DLDI scheme. So I changed the address to 0x023bc0000. Please note this release is experimental for a few new games. Also the cheat size per game is limited to 48KB, rather than 64KB. 1.20a.101224 loaders DLDI region size were decreased to 16KB, rather than 32KB, for less patching. ARM9 address is fine with 0x023c0000 now. Also GUIs other than WoodRPG_mod/WAIO have 16KB region to decrease size. 1.20b.101230 unofficial loaders support cheats 256KB per game. 1.20c.110104 rpglink is now more stable. ARM9 is now stored in 0x023c0000. 1.20d.110106 Merged Wood* 1.21 loaders. Rebuilded with libnds 1.4.9 release. 1.20e.110110 woodrpg_ak2i now does the same as akysload. (akaio1.6RC2). 1.22.110113 Updated code base to 1.22. Added buildasm.sh to batch building .s and getlatestloader.sh to update official build/__rpg/*loader.nds 1.22a.110123 Fixed WoodEX4 (Overwrote with g003) Removed debug code from WoodM3... 1.23.110125 Updated code base to 1.23. 1.24.110215 Updated code base to 1.24. 1.25.110225 Updated code base to 1.25. Just sorry but homebrew softreset isn't available in other than woodr4sdhc/woodils. 1.25a.110416 getlatestloader.sh downloaded 1.28 for r4. 1.25b.110507 getlatestloader.sh downloaded 1.29 for r4. Added r4liloader.nds (from decrypted WoodR4Li by r4li.com) 1.25c.110517 r4liloader.nds 1.29 1.25d.120218 r4liloader.nds 1.44 Added ak2loader.nds Added several frontends for proprietary loaders. 1.25e.120413 Now rpglink.nds is compiled using devkitARM r38. 1.25f.120717 r4liloader.nds 1.49 (ACE3DS) Now rpglink.nds is compiled using devkitARM r41. 1.25g.120928 r4liloader.nds 1.51 (ACE3DS) Unfortunately 1.52 isn't working anymore. Updated ak2loader.nds and added r2 loader. r1 is derived from R4i3D 2012 1.49, which uses extinfo.dat. r2 is derived from R4i3D 2012 1.50, which uses mixinfo.dat. continue by lifehackerhansol: - r4liloader.nds 1.62 (ACE3DS) - r4liloader cannot reset to _DS_MENU.DAT and _DSMENU.DAT at the same time. - So ace3dsplusloader.nds is created alongside r4liloader.nds, to split the two. - r4liloader was slightly changed to also create a Gateway Blue loader. - ex4loader and ilsloader are deprecated. They work fine with the r4liloader. - If woodrpg ever gets better compatibility maybe this will be reverted. - ak2loader updates: - r1 -> r4isdhc.com 1.52 - r2 -> r4isdhc.hk 1.72 - Naming slightly changed; now there are separate releases for r1 and r2, named WoodAK2Info and WoodAK2Mix respectively. - Updated infolib/extinfo pulled from BL2CK's website (can't use RGFs because of redistrib license. yeah...) - Updated mixinfo from r4isdhc.hk 1.72. - default savelist.bin attached (from AKAIO 1.9.0) - m3loader proprietary is dropped in favour of patched m3loader, as it actually works better. - ak2loader is found to support the actual AK2i. So just cp `_DS_MENU.DAT` to `akmenu4.nds` to make it work. - woodrpg_ak2i is dropped in favour of this; AKAIO has been heavily encrypted since forever and it's not worth the task to reverse it.
WAIO - WoodAllInOne (or used to be, but now just a proprietary kernel haxing ground)