
An anonymized dataset of 1+ million users in the Medium social network

An anonymized dataset of 1+ million users in the Medium social network

F. Li, Y. Chen, R. Xie, F. Ben Abdesslem and A. Lindgren, "Understanding Service Integration of Online Social Networks: A Data-Driven Study," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, 2018.
(BibTeX citation below)

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0.


This dataset covers 1,075,983 users in Medium, including social graph and profile/activity data for each user. Usernames are anonymized with numerical IDs. This dataset was collected during August 2016.


Download links:

  • nodes.txt: Node IDs (0 ~ 1,075,982) used to anonymize the dataset.
    Each line in nodes.txt is an ID for a user.

  • edges.txt: Edge list (30,026,896 edges) of the directed social graph.
    Each line in edges.txt is an directed edge. For example, "0 1" means user 0 is following user 1 in Medium.

  • user_data.csv: Profile/activity data, cross-site linking options and linked Twitter profile data for each user.
    Each row in user_data.csv is the data of a user. (Several users' data are missing due to errors in crawling process)
    Descriptions for each column in user_data.csv:

    • ID: User's anonymized ID.
    • createdAt: Unix timestamp of the user's registration time.
    • followers: Number of followers.
    • following: Number of followings.
    • bio: 1 if the user has a biography, 0 otherwise.
    • posts: Number of posts (articles).
    • responses: Number of responses.
    • recommends: Number of recommends (this function has been replaced by the "claps" function).
    • highlights: Number of highlights.
    • facebook: The cross-site linking option to the user's Facebook account. 1 if the user has enabled it, 0 otherwise.
    • twitter: The cross-site linking option to the user's Twitter account. 1 if the user has enabled it, 0 otherwise.
    • twitter_followers: Number of followers in the user's linked Twitter account.
    • twitter_followings: Number of followings in the user's linked Twitter account.
    • twitter_bio: 1 if the user has a biography in the linked Twitter account, 0 otherwise.
    • twitter_tweets: Number of tweets in the user's linked Twitter account.
    • twitter_likes: Number of likes in the user's linked Twitter account.
    • twitter_lists: Number of lists in the user's linked Twitter account.


author={Fei Li and Yang Chen and Rong Xie and Fehmi Ben Abdesslem and Anders Lindgren}, 
booktitle={2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops)}, 
title={Understanding Service Integration of Online Social Networks: A Data-Driven Study}, 