
Angular + Firebase Progressive Web App Starter

Primary LanguageTypeScript

License: MIT

FireStarter - Angular + Firebase Progressive Web App

An Angular PWA starter powered by Firebase and Angular.

Features (current)

  • Angular 5.0
  • 100 PWA Lighthouse Score
  • Firebase Auth with Custom Data in Firestore
  • CRUD Demos (Firestore & Realtime DB)
  • File Uploads to Firebase Storage Demo

Wishlist (TODO)


  • Angular 5.0 + Angular Cli
  • Angular Material
  • PWA Support (service worker + app manifest)
  • Firebase Firestore + AngularFire
  • NgRX for state management
  • Firebase Cloud Functions (resize images)
  • Firebase Hosting (firebase deploy)
  • AOT + PRPL pattern
  • Angular Universal
  • Unit Testing + BDD using Jasmine & Karma
  • Support for both NPM and Yarn


  • Firebase Auth (login with Facebook, Google or email)
  • Expanded user profiles with custom data in Firestore
  • Access camera or phone storage => Upload files to Firebase Storage
  • Google Maps support and "use my location"

Core features

  • Routing
  • Auth guards for relevant sections
  • CRUD for example entity types E.g. venue + event
  • Listing for example entity type
  • Details view for example entity types
  • Filters for example entity types
  • Basic search
  • Basic pagination and/or infinite scroll


  • Login/Registration/Forgot
  • User profile
  • Settings
  • Home screen: "Social update feed" (posts with user profile details e.g. profile image, user name, date added)
  • Event Listing
  • Event Details
  • Location/Venue Listing
  • Location/Venue Details
  • Map with nearby events/venues (near me)
  • Image Gallery
  • Search (search results)

Nice to have

  • Like feature
  • Follow feature
  • Add to Favourite
  • Social sharing
  • User Reviews

Aim to cover the following core concepts

  • Ability to add and edit entities in Firestore
  • Ability to link entities in Firestore e.g. linking an event to a venue and automatically duplicate the data in both collections
  • Ensure data is kept in sync across collections when editing
  • Structure data in Firestore to take advantage of shallow queries for entity list view vs. entity details view
  • Implement best practice Material Design components via Angular Material
  • Best practice Angular form implementation whilst allowing for easy modififaction/extension

Other Consideratons

  • Use realistic sample data
  • Avoid being too generic, pick a specific niche that allows it to appear as an actual app


Create an account at https://firebase.google.com/

  • Enable authentication with email, Google and Facebook via console => Authentication => Sign in method

  • Enable Firestore under console => Database

  • Set database permissions to enable read/write access for authenticated users

  • git clone https://github.com/lifeonlars/angular-firestarter.git firestarter

  • cd firestarter

  • npm install

Create the environment files below in src/environments/.


export const environment = {
    production: false,
    firebaseConfig: {
        apiKey: 'APIKEY',
        authDomain: 'DEV-APP.firebaseapp.com',
        databaseURL: 'https://DEV-APP.firebaseio.com',
        projectId: 'DEV-APP',
        storageBucket: 'DEV-APP.appspot.com',
        messagingSenderId: '123456789'


export const environment = {
    production: true,
    firebaseConfig: {
        // same as above, or use a different firebase project to isolate environments

And finally ng serve