
Video Voice Chat

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ionic Video & Text Chat is a fully functional Ionic starter project with Video and Text Messaging similar to WhatsApp.

The Video Chat portion features WebRTC using the cordova-plugin-iosrtc plugin, and socket.io signaling server.

The Text chat utilizes socket.io, Node.js and MongoDB for real-time messaging and user authentication.

Ionic Video Chat

Key Features

  • Complete Ionic app, interface, and backend
  • WebRTC Video Chat using iosrtc and crosswalk
  • Real time text chat using socket.io
  • Text message history
  • Complete Node.js and MongoDB backend
  • User login and signup
  • Video previews when calling and answering
  • Contact List page with most recent message
  • Timestamp diffs using Moment.js
  • Native Audio for chat sounds
  • Contact Card popup for quick calls